When you read the bible, you are taking in Logos. The first is identified with Tell el-Ful, about 3 miles North of Jerusalem. RAMA or RAMAH ("an elevated spot".) It is the Logos as it was in the very beginning used by Christ himself. With Bible Gateway Plus, you gain instant access to a digital Bible study library, including complete notes from the NIV Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible and the New Bible Commentary. From the verb רמה (rama), to deceive or loose. Of Naphtali.This city is mentioned once (Josh 19:36; LXX ̔Ραμά, G4821, A, or ̔Αράηλ, B); it was assigned to the cities of Naphtali. The cry of the weeping mothers and of Rachel is poetically represented as heard as far as Rama, on the E. side of the N. road between Jerusalem and Bethel; Rama where Nebuzaradan gathered the captive Jews to take them to Babylon. From the passages cited we gather that Ramah lay some distance to the North of Gibeah, and not far from Gibeon and Beeroth. Joshua 18:25. In Benjamin (Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:18). Now we come to an important silence in the Ramayana which records the doings of Lord Rama. 1. Logos often refers to the actual writings of Scripture or to Christ Himself. The second Greek word translated “word” is rhema, which … It was near the traditional tomb of Rachel (Jeremiah 31:15; compare 1 Samuel 10:2 Matthew 2:18, the King James Version "Rama"). Rama. It is the Greek word used in John 1:1, Luke 8:11, Hebrews 4:12, and many other passages. Nehemiah 7:30 | view whole chapter | see verse in context the men of ramah and geba, six hundred twenty and one. Source: www.sph.as. Rhema is also often translated as "word" and refers to spoken words or a saying. But another word in the New Testament refers to the word “word” as in “spoken word” known as rhema. Thus, bible itself is Logos. The Bible is silent on Sarah-Sita being married to Abraham-Rama while returning from the south. There are people who read bible and then complain that they do not understand. Rhema is just simply Words that He speaks to us through the many personal ways He speaks outside of the Bible, like for instance hearing His still small voice and the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Cor 12. As mentioned in the Compelling Truth article linked, verses such as Luke 5:5 refer to the “rhema” as the spoken … The Bible is silent on Abraham-Rama being taken by the Sage Vishwamitra to the south. Try it free for 30 days! Upgrade to the best Bible Gateway experience! There are two primary Greek words that describe Scripture which are translated “word” in the New Testament. Ramah, in the bible.1 town, ne ancient palestine, allotted to naphtali.2 town of asher.3 unidentified town of simeon, called ramah of the south. Christians may be familiar with the word logos featured in John 1.Logos means “word,” referring to Christ himself, or the holy word of Scripture. The famous “Gibeah of Saul,” or “Giheah of Benjamin” (the Gibeath of Joshua 18:28) lay at no great distance southwest of Geba, on the high road from Jerusalem to Bethel, and is probably to be looked for in the lofty and isolated “Tulcil-el-Ful.”. Verses with the word rama in the New Testament (1 verse): Matthew 2:18 In Rama was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted, because they are not. The Blue Letter Bible ministry and the BLB Institute hold to the historical, conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. RAMAH, RAMA rā’ mə (רָמָ֖ה, without the definite article [Neh 11:33, Jer 31:15]; a fairly common geographical name meaning “height,” given to several towns in ancient Israel—these were usually situated on some lofty perch).. 1. The first, logos, refers principally to the total inspired Word of God and to Jesus, who is the living Word.Logos is found in John 1:1; Luke 8:11; Philippians 2:16; Hebrews 4:12; and other verses.

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