Justifying extends each line of your text to the left and right margins. Justified in a sentence 1. If you describe a decision, action, or idea as justified, you think it is reasonable and acceptable. Are you sure that these measures are justified? I do not justify myself. In my opinion, the decision was wholly, 5. Synonyms: acceptable, reasonable, understandable, justifiable More Synonyms of justified. . supportable. . sound. sensible. explainable. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Justify" in Example Sentences Page 1. I know there's a lot of interest in this case on era and particularly the sentencing. Justified Sentence Examples. Examples of how to use the word 'justify' in a sentence. 2233704 This is justified. forgivable. Karen Sweeney AAP. ‘the doctors were justified in treating her’. 1 a : the act or an instance of justifying something : vindication arguments offered in justification of their choice. CK 1 1247825 It's hard to justify. ‘We are being forced to leave our forests not for well founded or justified reasons, but because of habit.’. This assumption, by and large, was a fair one, Are there really no code-based controls for assuring that specific surveillance is specifically, They often think their outbursts and abusiveness are entirely, Moreover, he wrote, the failure to get a warrant was not, Witches are thought to have the power to raise angry spirits, and the anger of a spirit may or may not be, But, when we even partially pay for it, what they do has to be, It's one of the reasons why the album is a, Since Johnson's legitimate and completely, During the sweeps, police anti-truancy vans visit schools and officers visit every child absent from school without a, Thompson points out that the first clause of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms says that all rights can be restricted if there is a, We distinguish them because we jealously guard the glory of Christ, but we never divide them because the inevitable fruit of a, Hampson sees in these differing understanding of the, His decision to step down from being a prefect has proved to be, The recommendation of the duck proved to have been, If the demoted tenancy is breached, the council as landlords can evict the tenant without having to satisfy the court that this is, It is not disputed that the onus is on the plaintiff to prove disability, while the onus is on the defendant to prove that dismissal was, In Romans 3 Paul insists on six occasions that we are, In this justification method, the last line is not, But the Genevan church showed itself every whit as masterful and dogmatic as its Roman rival, and its actions were equally, She argues that ontological realism about a type of entity is, It is worth recapitulating all this if only to suggest that whatever the public or private reasons for threatening to go to war, it is hard to see how it can be, So that lunchtime kip under your desk is entirely, Too often in these films, characters do things in the final reel that are in no way, In the hands of the Protestant exiles in the 1550s, conciliarism mutated into forms of resistance theory which, Aware that his anger over the manner of her rejection was all the more, He had not written, but had dared to print, a seditious pamphlet which, I think that, growing up in a culture where every second of screen-time has to be, The threat of global annihilation has so colored the debate that for many people it is considered an axiomatic truth that the use of such weaponry can never be, It is arbitrary to impose a sentence that can neither be, So where exactly is the line that a family member must cross for estrangement to be, I presume she thought the rarity of the day, I am going to risk life and limb here, but I believe I am, Now that the wedding is on, all of the fervid speculation of the last few years seems, In the current climate, fundamentalist vigilantes may well believe their actions are, Canada and the United States see further armament as a solution to these problems rather than questioning why violence is abhorrent against us and, It is not the function of this Tribunal to comment on whether the unfair dismissal claim lodged by the Appellant was, Indeed, due to her ellipsis, instead of remarking on Lisa's masochistic lunacy, we see her faith, On the night of their wedding, January lusted after his new wife, May, believing his forceful actions to be, There is a disused bay platform at Hellifield if the most that could be afforded was connections there, and if traffic, I do not support the belief that violent protest is, By demonstrating their ability to survive and navigate in the Canadian environment, the snowshoers, I am just indicating to you that you may not be, This decision by the Home Secretary meant that prisoners could spend several years more in prison than was, But to be clear, masculine aggression has always typified and, To me, being a Jew carries a low-grade paranoia that is both an overreaction and entirely, Second, even if one were to say that the bombers were merely responding to the injustice dealt their brethren, are bombs a, And sure, we can debate whether from a legal point of view these shootings were, People who would normally abhor applying the thumbscrews earnestly debated whether the risks of further atrocities, At any rate, I'm intrigued and am curious if my intrigue is, The terms of his Orvieto contract reflect his celebrity as an architect, which is, Nobody minds putting in the time when the time is, If the trade-off for this destruction is truly a safer environment then perhaps this price is, This fallacy misleads people, and morally, I feel we shouldn't use this method in an argument, because it isn't, Certainly, this response would be understandable and even, But if lying is moralistically wrong, how can it ever be, But when the sitzfleisch touched the piano bench, then the air of authority was, The blunderbuss approach of ordering a panel of 10 or more stains on every suspected large cell anaplastic tumor can no longer be, In the past I would have cringed at calling someone something so inhuman, but I hadn't met anyone as nasty and rude as Christine before, so the name was, With deep sorrow for those who suffered and died, I must say that his momentous decision, which hastened the end of that awful war, was, Deng Xiaoping invented the Four Modernizations, which, Alan Irwin alludes to the public non-acceptance of nuclear technology, and argues that this conclusion is, And bumping up the superannuation surcharge on the well-off is hardly, To those, mainly northerners, who denounced the brutality, others, often southerners, replied that the exemplary punishment was, Restaurateurs who charge cakeage argue they're, The military outlays that the VOC needed to make to enhance its monopoly were not, For both consequentialists and deontologists, the killing of innocent people could be, The switch from bias-ply tires to cost-effective radials is easily, There is no doubt that meth is destructive, and a clampdown is, She was still 2 lengths clear of third-placed Zibet and almost, The trainer will doubtless have big plans for Airmail Special, who comfortably, Hume, I felt, was perfectly right in pointing out that induction cannot be logically, The majority said temporary wardship, which allowed the girl to receive a transfusion, was, There are pressures on the welfare state because welfare must be, With this background and experience we feel, According to courts, the revisional powers need to be, The higher rate on documentary transactions has been. Learn the meaning of the word and increase your vocabulary while using Justify in a sentence. in a sentence. Callous car attack justified life sentence. well founded. having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason. I do not know how far he was justified in saying so. Show More Sentences. The boy's talents justified the ambitious hopes which his parents entertained of his future. reasonable. You are totally justified saying that. justify. justifiable . Justified in a sentence | Use of the word justified examples Judaism isn’t ancestor-worship: It cannot be justified simply as an act of following in the footsteps of ghosts. Topics Crime. well founded . reasonable . "Es" as a subject replacement ( Expletivum) can generally be dropped from a sentence when it can be ensured otherwise that the verb is in the second (logical) position. He said they justify the lengthy asset liquidation he has conducted. The boy justified himself by saying he did not begin the fight.TranslateEN.com 1 Having, done for, or marked by a good or legitimate reason. And he could justify taking the. Some news came out on that front today: From Minnesota Public Radio: Hennepin County District Judge Peter Cahill has found aggravating factors that would justify a tougher sentence … Only time will tell whether Broughton's optimism is, 23. just. 5. logical . defensible. How to connect 'justify' with other words to make correct English sentences.justify (v): to give or to be a good reason forUse 'justify' in a sentence You don't have to justify your decision. The fact that we are at war does not justify treating innocent people as criminals. 4. He makes the policy decisions, and he must justify them. In campus legend, the grind, the non-athletic boy, the unattractive girl, are popularly associated with … Example Sentences for "justify" Do you think that the use of violence is justifiable in order to prevent further violence?Steve was justifiably angry when he found out he had been let go, just so the boss could hire his nephewIt is important to justify your opinions rather than just saying something without explaining why you feel that way. In being born again, the believer is regenerated, The shares may have to be underpriced, and the sales may not raise as much capital as would be, Each section was presented to planning authorities in its own right and was individually. It is important to justify your opinions rather than just saying something without explaining why you feel that way. The judge found that the homeowner was justified in shooting the robber who broke into his home. legal. Unfortunately under Michigan law, her word alone justifies a warrant. He did the dishes as well, hoping for an early reprieve from her justified anger. Is he justified in all his actions? defendable . lawful. Justify in a sentence | justify example sentences I did want to justify myself. And justify the ways of God to men. At best, dialogue will be justified in terms of curiosity about other positions in the market-place. Steve was justifiably angry when he found out he had been let go, just so the boss could hire his nephew. As a footnote, I should add that there was one point on which his bravado was more than. . 3. Show More Sentences When Shyam asked me to justify my refusal, I told him that an earlier Malayalam art film produced by NFDC never got released, and I was afraid his film would go the same way. Example sentences for Justify. They can justify all their howling by arguing that this scandal is more serious, more deserving of the gravest steps being taken. If you have to hurt people to get what you want, then the ends do not justify the means. In my opinion, the decision was wholly justified. warranted. The 33-year-old Kaluwitharana, playing his first Test in two years, And it claims that the conditions under which moral sanctions should be applied are determined by rules, Psychiatric classifications have an aura of scientific certitude about them that is not really, The RSPB believes that urgent action to eradicate ruddy ducks from Europe is, But when it comes down to matters of life and death there is something very unnerving about unforgiving anger, even when it is, In this case, it is not suggested that Constable Bishop's actions were, Economists would now argue that this is no less, Her somewhat apologetic stance is overridden by her clear sense of feeling, He called the earth to witness his many good deeds of past lives and so, Such a refusal would clearly not have been, In spite of the widespread acceptance of withdrawal symptoms as an index of addiction, this consensual faith does not appear to be, His latest success was achieved by 11 lengths at Doncaster last month when he, I do not understand what legitimate reason can have, We have come to realize that controlling elephants through domination and the use of ankuses can no longer be, The least treacherous way out of the impasse is a compromise that can be, The Italian Marxist viewed religion as a political philosophy that, But even if population density is regarded as a reason for India's economic languor, it cannot be, The protesters believe that any action that results in the saving of animals from the labs is, Obedience does not merit justification, but it does flow from the regenerate hearts of those who have been, However, almost all internalists will agree that knowledge entails, The nutmeg as Mills tried to shield the ball at the corner flag was a sublime example of, I said I felt strongly that this was a matter of liaison sensitivity that, The Court of Appeal held that the trial judge was, I'm waffling here, unwilling to say we were snobby or we were, It was not an absolute right but any limitation of it had to be, It is the perspective of abstract ideality that, just because of its abstraction, is morally, On any view, that must involve questions of whether any distinction in treatment can be reasonably, He argues there are times when clandestine recording might be, For example, a court may believe that a doctrine is not normatively, His argument was that umpires weren't doing anything about illegal spitballers, so hitters felt, Ohio law says, if Deputy Evans reasonably feared for his life, the shooting is, Those that shun or oppose this unfortunate but, And when Sligo started to rack up some late scores, these fears again seemed, Do not allow commercialism to buy a higher profile in your reporting than is journalistically, Although we are continually shown reasons for, Even after months of debate, the statement was vague and perplexingly non-committal on whether war would be, We are being forced to leave our forests not for well founded or, Should I not be so frightened, or am I completely, But deep under those sentiments there are also, These cases, however, do not speak to the issue of when or why maternal custody is, Packard's tone sometimes veers toward the self-congratulatory, but in this case, it somehow seems, Riley lists all the calm, logical, perfectly, We kill animals every day of the year, sometimes for sport, sometimes for humane, He saw the theological elaborations of his country as a, The Resurrection removes the fear of judgment in the next life from the, By the 1970s, when the project was belatedly put in train, it was rightly judged that the effects of the Clean Air Act, Their goal is simply to cause terror without a, And, in the case of fluoride, at least, that doubt might actually be. 6. The video alone, however, doesn’t show that Wilson wasn’t legally justified when he shot and killed Brown. In the Chief Constable's view the use of force was fully, 30. As a footnote, I should add that there was one point on which his bravado was more than, 3. Microsoft Word will not normally justify a single line of text because the command is designed to justify all but the last line of a paragraph. But fundamentally, trying to justify kitniyot is a fool’s errand. The end will justify the means. 5. tenable. Her forebodings about the future were to prove, 29. (verb) A strange element is an upturned ice cream cone on his head, sign of divine approval according to Hon but equally a potentially parodic view of all war, Any hypothesis which explains the facts is, In campus legend, the grind, the non-athletic boy, the unattractive girl, are popularly associated with Phi Beta Kappa, but the caricature cannot be, According to Said, orientalism allowed Europe to establish itself as the superior and the norm, which, Biological and psychological breakdowns may lead to quirky behavior, but the vast majority of carjackings can not be explained or, I argue that voters must not only believe that they are voting in ways that promote the right ends of government, but that this belief must be epistemically, Military actions are sometimes argued to be, The Cruelty to Animals Act 1876 left the president as one of the few individuals capable of certifying that a particular experiment on an animal was, Depending on the particular issue, sometimes both northern and southern states, Waifer decided to honour it, repeating his father's decision, which he, The phenomenological reduction may be considered as a methodological device resorted to for the sake of arriving at radical and radically, We submit that a wooden spoon of our day would not be, Walzer's critigue of sexism could be be explained and, Hobbes in particular went further to argue that political power should be, Trajan was greeted by the people of Rome with enthusiasm, which he. Justify in a sentence | Use of the word justify examples. Thus did the wily Mr. Mitchell justify his headship. Examples of Justified in a sentence. well grounded . plausible. A degree of caution in analysing the figures is certainly, And here is a GIF image of a typeset version with, On the few occasions when he did question it he received a sharp response which on the figures was fully, His sentiments were echoed by Richard Crumlish and it seems their confidence has been fully, The indictment will not seek to prove that the war was, His work on the trio of overlapping roles has won him, This is why choosing a broader approach for this paper would hopefully prove to be, An assessment of the cost of life on the basis of the, Chairmen and chief executives need to have a thick skin and take, And somewhere across the highway, where our sins lie unatoned, our need to be, Now poems are easily detectable on the page, because their right hand margins aren't, It will also echo back through 2,500 years of bloodshed, Consequently, success is not measured by who is, The teammates, all female, asserted that her terrifying behavior that day, Before these policies are adopted, the advisability of no army modernisation deal can be, It includes such questions as what mark or class a student ought to be awarded or whether an aegrotat is, It was one of the rare cases in which blaming the messengers is totally, Even the strategy of serial monogamous relationships is, I have seen a number of women on the side and always, Belittling the good reasons for breastfeeding is never, It would appear that the parallel with medieval mnemonic techniques can only partially be, Lastly think about this, we put animals down, this is looked upon as humane and is, It follows that in the present case the first and main question is whether the direction of erasure was, Clashes continued, as it proved impossible in peacetime to reduce the burden of taxes first, And we in turn have resorted to bellicosity at a level that may or may not be, Hauliers believe that enough is already paid by them through road tax and imposing roads tolls is not, He's a talkative guy and obviously enamored with his own film, but in my opinion, that pride is, This does not imply that he was without an acute sense of selfhood, personal vanity, or, In such circumstances the wounding of V would not be unlawful as it would be, The second is that programmes can only be, In the Amazon basin it is one of the most popular articles of food, a position fully, I have no other proof than logic, and so far events have, To their credit they have done a marvellous job and it has more than, That doesn't necessarily mean they made the argument in bad faith or that the war might not still be, The Schadenfreude is indecent, but the confident historical assertion is still less. It was hard to justify the trip. Solamente circunstancias extraordinarias podrían justificar una excepción a esta regla. March 10, 2021 9:15AM. In fact, the result seemed to justify the plan. 15. acceptable. use "justify" in a sentence. How can you justify your behavior? legitimate . Larpent for Great Britain, which exonerated Shortland, This meant that relations between states ought to pass from being, Lockeans argue that intellectual property is, He instead endorsed the Piast Concept, which, This however, merely caused many sepoys to be convinced that the rumours were true and that their fears were, Williams strongly condemned the terrorist attacks and stated that they could not be, The fact that the new book had about 700 fewer pages was, Nees continues with an attempt to sweet talk Dydys and asks her for a 'pogue', but his fears are, Imperial control, territorial and cultural, is, Halford Mackinder felt that Great Britain needed to be one of the greatest imperialists and therefore, Tianxia's idea of hierarchy gave Chinese a privileged position and was, For example, being ratified by a constitutionally bound legislative body is one way in which an institution can be emergently, Hunting for micrometastases in either sentinel lymph nodes or bone marrow isn't, Mariana thus challenged divine right theories by stating in certain circumstances, tyrannicide could be, Most wars had other causes but they reinforced mercantilism by clearly defining the enemy, and, Chris Pea Green was the star attraction in the Autumn Gala Novices' Chase and, Norman Stinchcombe Jazz Sylva Snarky Puppy IT'S been a lightning and thoroughly, The majority of the public believe pre-emptive strikes are, Even in countries which prohibit other forms of unfree labour, conscription is generally, In essence, the more confirmations a theory has vis-a-vis disconfirmations, the more, Pacifists may argue that military action could be, Salam described the attack as a condemnable action that cannot be, He thinks that no assumption can ever be or needs ever to be, One may be epistemically justified in believing that an act is morally, The watchdog has insisted the chief constable's actions were, Two columns with ragged right is probably the most popular, but three-column, In 1956, Urmson published an influential article arguing that Mill, Instead, the plaintiff would set out his 'special case' in an extra clause, specifying the damage sustained which, Like oversize envelopes, the increased expense is almost never. warrantable. Luther justifiedhis opposition to the rebels on three grounds. What does justify mean? To show to be just, right, or in accord with reason; vindicate. unfair . vindicable . In the Chief Constable's view the use of force was fully, 7. Although he wasn’t justified in stealing the candy, the store owner didn’t want to call the police on the boy. legitimate. Don't justify yourself to me.Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

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