I will always be one step ahead of you. Katherine repeatedly states that she will help them to deal with Klaus, and engages in research with the brothers. Katerina became a Vampire in 1492, turned by Rose-Marie's blood. Katherine learns more about Traveller Magic and finds that she can take over another's body. For over a century, he had lived in secret, hiding in the shadows, alone in the world. As a bait to create a crisis between the Salvatore brothers and herself after Stefan rejected her, she deliberately smothered Caroline Forbes in her hospital room, a human that did her absolutely no harm, knowing that she had Damon's blood in her system. Her intensified… Some of these powers are more potent when the vampire gets older and feeds on human blood. Katerina returned to Bulgaria in the latter months of 1492 to find all her family members slaughtered by Klaus; she knew it was his form of revenge for her escape and subsequent transition. She killed Caroline by smothering her with a pillow, while knowing full well she still had Damon's blood in her system. Vampires and people like. Katherine created quite a few vampires while living in Mystic Falls, which inevitably alerted the Founding Families of their existence. Katherine … At some point she became friends with Pearl and her daughter, Anna, and she saved the life of the witch Emily Bennett, putting Emily in her debt. She noticed the Resurrection ring he was wearing and, using a butcher's knife, chopped his fingers off. She was running for 500 years. Elena visited her and they had a conversation about her past, as Elena constantly gave her blood from a bottle to give her enough strength to talk. In The Last Dance, Klaus/Alaric compels her to tell him everything she knows and stuff she wouldn't know, he denied her request to be killed because it was an act of "kindness" to kill her so soon after he searched for her for over 500 years and tells her that her death is going to last at least half that long. She was unknowingly a Doppelganger of Amara. Damon demanded the truth after he and Katherine kissed heavily, and she confessed that she never loved him and that "it will always be Stefan" that she loved. Katherine leaving town and promises Stefan that they will be together again. Katherine says that he has to, because she needs him to feel, specifically, feel angry at Klaus for everything he has done. Katerina was disgraced and banished to England, where she was given over to Elijah and Niklaus Mikaelson. Damon asks why Klaus didn't use him as the vampire. Bonnie burned a picture of Katherine that belonged to her in 1864 so that Stefan could put it on her, rendering her unconscious for 1-3 minutes. She wickedly smiled at him, thanked him for his concern and then fed on him, clearly showing that all humans were to her, was food and amusement at that time. Katerina Petrova was born into a somewhat wealthy family in Bulgaria in the late 15th Century. The Vampire Diaries Ultimate Quiz 20 Questions - Developed by: Tamara - Developed on: 2020-06-28 - 11,163 taken - 10 people like it … Katerina had a daughter in 1490, however, the two were separated at birth. She revealed that while Damon had been willingly drinking Katherine’s blood, the vampire had been compelling Stefan for weeks to drink her blood and then forget about it. That sounds like the beginning of a love story Stefan, not the end of one." After Maddox and Greta are done taking Klaus out of Alaric's body, the casket is opened and she begins to show fear as the real Klaus walks out. In 1864, she stopped and fed on the passengers of a coach showing Damon, before he was fully turned into a vampire, how it is done, taking sadistic pleasure over the coachman being so concerned about the safety of a lone lady on the road at night. Katerina was devastated by this and was banished to England. When are you gonna figure that out? Elena asks about Stefan, but Katherine asks if she really cares. Katerina tried to commit suicide by stabbing herself with a knife, saying she would rather die than go back to Klaus, but Rose force-fed her some of her blood to heal her. Stefan asks why Katherine, who wanted Klaus dead for 500 years, would stop a plan to kill him just to save Damon. Katherine was deeply hated for the murder and the turning of Caroline Forbes into a vampire and using a werewolf, Mason Lockwood, to retrieve the moonstone, an essential element to break The Sun and the Moon Curse. Katherine as Elena getting stabbed by Mikael. It appears to come from the Greek. Katerina Petrova (Cyrillic Катерина Петрова) was born into a poor Bulgarian family in 1475. Katherine's sense of fashion is more chic and mature than Elena's. And although she chose Stefan over Damon, she promised John Gilbert that she would help protect her descendant Elena Gilbert, who is the center of the Salvatore brothers hearts. Katherine begged Damon not to kill Elijah, because then she would be stuck in there forever. Klaus, believing that he is bluffing, says go ahead. That means that they were kind of meant to be. Katerina used the owner of the cabin as a shield, which resulted in her death. 145 years later, Katherine returned to Mystic Falls and started toying with the Salvatores again, cutting off her loose ends by destroying the tomb vampires. When Lucy Bennett comes to kill her, she Passengers herself into Lucy's body. Katherine points out that she doesn't let love get in the way and Damon tells her to enjoy an eternity alone. Enraged, she stabs him with a metal rod. She is an example of a tragic villain, which is a character who, although acting for primarily "evil" or selfish goals, is either not in full control of their actions or emotions and the reader or viewer can sympathize for due to them not being evil by choice; but rather by them being a victim of circumstance. Question 18 - Homecoming, (To Stefan) "Humanity is a vampire's greatest weakness. Jeremy ventured into the tomb and asked Katherine for the moonstone, and he threw wood into her chest so he could spray the dust on her. She was first seen in the 21st century when she kissed Damon while dressed as Elena Gilbert, letting him think she was Elena. Who is the vampire god? Towards the end of the episode, Katherine fooled Bonnie, and manages to steal Esther's Talisman, showing up at Damon's house seconds later with the pendant, proposing they should team up and get away from Mystic Falls and go on a little "road trip". Goodbye John - Founder's Day, (To Stefan) "You hate me huh? She knew both Stefan and Damon and they found out after knowing her for quite a while that she's a vampire. He led her pursuers astray and told her to go east, to a cottage in the woods where she would be safe. Katherine's overall appearance is described as sexy and seductive, while Elena's overall appearance is sweet, casual and sporty. But any fan of the series will know that Katherine is actually not her real name! Katherine later read a Petrova history book with a drawing of her family with tears in her eyes, showing she had not completely lost her humanity. Katherine ignores her warning, and is able to locate his tomb with Jeremy's help. After the chaos settled, Katherine stole Elena Gilbert's clothes and went to her house, where she posed as Elena in the presence of Damon. Katherine left the tomb and bathed in Damon's shower, asking him if he had a robe when he walked in on her. In the attempt to kill her, Damon and Stefan partook in an intense fight between the three of them. She admits that she had to do something so Klaus wouldn't realize she was on vervain, and reveals that Klaus made her call to lure someone, explaining that he needed another vampire. After being banished to England, she quickly adjusted by becoming English. Elena could often be dull as a human, but her personality becomes more complex after her transition. However, Damon hallucinates that Elena has joined them. I’ll be the safest psychotic bitch in town." This resulted in the deaths of several tomb vampires. She sabotaged his plan by running away with the moonstone, which bound the curse, and then tricked Rose into feeding her her blood so she could turn herself into a vampire. She danced with Stefan but when he refused to hand over the stone, she killed Aimee Bradley. I will always know, Elena. She was a Traveller ara. Katherine met and fell in love with his son Stefan Salvatore, though she quickly began a physical relationship with Stefan's older brother, Damon. I did." After their conversation Klaus/Alaric pulls out a pocket knife and compels her to stab herself repeatedly until he returns from laying eyes on his precious doppelganger. She slept with both of them and compelled them to keep the secret from each other and from the others in town. Nadia Petrova: Nadia (Bulgarian: Надя Петрова, Russian: Надежда Петрова, Greek: Νάντια Πέτροβα) was born in the year 1490 in Bulgaria. Bir Katherine Piercethe late 15th century in Bulgaria. A severely weakened Katherine greets Elena. In 1490, Katerina became pregnant by an unknown man, and her family disowned her for the shameful birth of an illegitimate daughter. When Rose turned her back to confront Trevor, Katerina hung herself with a length of rope. "I did." She was disabled by the Vervain in his bloodstream, and Giuseppe burst in to take her away. After transitioning into a vampire, Damon was told by Emily that Katherine was trapped in the tomb beneath the church, and as a result, the older Salvatore never stopped loving Katherine as he waited for the day he would rescue her. Katherine is German in the books but she is Bulgarian in the TV series. It is a fact that she had a sexual relationship with both Salvatore brothers and eventually turned them both and saying to Stefan that she loved him as she was being carted away to be presumably entombed in the Church. It was him who arranged to have Katherine escape the tomb in exchange for the Moonstone, which at the time Katherine had in her possession. She gave George the moonstone, but instead of leaving right away, she turned to see Damon and Stefan's bodies lying in the road. George Lockwood- George was a werewolf and the co-conspirator in Katherine's faked death. She Passengers herself into the Original Vampire's body. Klaus says that's the kind of vampire he could make a deal with. Later on, her entire family was brutally slaughtered by Klaus as revenge for her having eluded him. Katerina Petrova was born into a somewhat wealthy family in Bulgaria in the late 15th Century. Katherine's life is seriously affected by Klaus in books and series. He calls Katherine over and bites her, shocking her as she realizes she now has a werewolf bite. While she was unconscious he went in and obtained the stone, but she awakened and attacked him. Damon tells Katherine he has vervain, which won’t undo Klaus/Alaric’s compulsion but it will stop further compulsions. She was to be used in a ritual to free Klaus' Hybrid side, but Katerina escaped, having herself turned into a Vampire by the blood of Rose-Marie.Her family is murdered by Niklaus because she didn't do what he wanted from her. This is likely an exception since she hasn't shown any concern for human life even of the opposite sex presently. She admitted to Stefan that she returned for him, but she was furious because he told her that he hated her. Who turned Elena into a vampire? Later on, the two talked and Katherine proved that she never compelled Stefan to love her, his love for her being real, and she only compelled him to cover up his fear of vampires. She also repeatedly flirts with Damon, despite admitting to him that she knew that the dagger would kill the vampire who used it, and, having to make a choice between himself and Stefan, she chose Stefan once more. and would come back as a vampire. Anna reluctantly gives them information about him, stating that Mikael will kill all of them if awakened. Katerina became a Vampire in 1492, turned by Rose-Marie's blood. He is still suspicious and compels her to take off her bracelet, walk to the window and stand in the sunlight. However, behind her sweet nature, Katherine revealed her deceptive side and escaped her would-be death with the help of George Lockwood. However, during the party, Klaus, thinking that she was Elena, revealed that in the event that Klaus is killed, the other Hybrids will kill Damon. To Klaus's knowledge she is a part of the Petrova Doppelgängers. Later that night Klaus returns to Alaric's apartment and tells Katherine that Elena is with Greta, Damon appears and tells Klaus he has to postpone the ritual, explaining that he rescued the werewolf and vampire and killed Maddox. She admitted to Stefan Salvatore that she betrayed the Mystic Fall vampires in 1864 by making a deal with George Lockwood, the son of the mayor of the time and a werewolf, ostensibly the vampire's mortal enemies. She is freed from the Salvatore Boarding House by her long-lost daughter, Nadia Petrova. As Elena called 911, Katherine reappeared behind Elena unseen by Elena despite John's gasped warning. When Rose found out that she had escaped from Klaus with the moonstone, she locked her in a room and told her that she would take her to Klaus as soon as the opportunity arose. https://thevampirediariesfanfiction.fandom.com/wiki/Katherine_Pierce/Katerina_Petrova?oldid=6077. Katerina Petrova was born in the late 15th century in Bulgaria. to Caroline as she was waking up, as Katherine gained access to Caroline's house after Caroline's mother mistook her for Elena and invited her in. Katherine is very beautiful and seductive. Realizing how quickly the Founder's Council would take action against the vampires, Katherine struck a deal with George Lockwood: She would give him the moonstone if he would help her fake her death. Gives Into Her Feelings For Damon - "Heart Of Darkness" S3.E19. She also let John Gilbert think she was Elena as well until she hacked off his fingers and stabbed him with the intent to kill him. She stays in the carriage house with Emily and she killed Rosalyn out of jealousy. She insists that she didn't have a choice and had to lure Jenna for Klaus, adding that she chose her life over Jenna's. Katherine found Rebekah's necklace when trouble broke out in the Gloria's Bar, and wanted to take it, but ran away before Stefan could see or notice her. Katherine still has feelings, but decides not to show them. The Fury (ISBN 978-0-06-199077-9) reveals that the Salvatore's former lover Katherine von Swartzchild was the evil force in Fell's Church and that she ran Elena off the bridge where Elena turned into a vampire. Eventually Klaus believes she is still compelled and says she needs to do something for him.

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