Click to see full-size image. Coronavirus poses a deadly threat in a country already at war. He slept and never woke up.” That’s what I had to tell. Still, he remains hopeful. Syria received 40 ambulances from the WHO, a small effort by the WHO to help the Syrian healthcare system that suffered much of US terrorism. When I talk to people living their normal lives and not working on a daily basis on the Syrian case, those people need to hear something different. The Syrian pound has halved in value and widespread sanctions affect the flow of money coming into the country. Trump's decision to pull US forces from Kurdish-controlled areas in northeastern Syria on October 6 left the civil-war-torn country open to Turkish attack, which followed on October 9. Palestinian elections. End-of-year 2020. I tell them about kids in Syria. Although in recent years, observers have come to believe that the Assad regime—with both Russian and Iranian backing—will prevail, victory for Damascus remains elusive. They protested with flowers in their hands. Syrian Civil War, armed conflict that began in 2011 with an uprising against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. What am I doing? December 2019. By then, you were 17. Donors, policymakers, and aid implementers assessing priorities for the year ahead may draw useful insights from the events of 2020. Israel strikes Syria after attack near secretive nuclear site. Sometimes, your father would bribe guards to look the other way at the checkpoints that led to school. So I get a turnaround, I take a different path. March 23, 2021, 11:16 AM. Killing people by—. They pulled me out from my room, saying I will be taken to execution. A prisoner captured that bird, and I asked the prisoner who captured that bird, if you give me a feather, I will give you my food for two days, which was a potato. So you and your 10-year-old brother took the perilous journey, partly by boat, and ended up in Sweden. It has been ten years since Syrians rose up in peaceful protest against Bashar al-Assad demanding political change. The only thing we need to do to get rid of the regime and the corruption that exists. This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) License. As of January 2021, 13.4 million people inside Syria were in need of some form of humanitarian assistance, including 6 million in acute need, according to … Tags: Israel, Syria. October 2020. What I remember most is that that was never useful or helpful, that never made me stop doing what I was doing. March 10, 2021; Trade, Health, and Access to the COVID Vaccines March 5, 2021; My global health journey: a reflection on my time in the field and advice for students and young professionals March 4, 2021 Just 900 U.S. troops remain in Syria, working with allies in a nation torn by civil war. Denmark tells Syrian refugees it’s time to go home. After a series of Russian aggressions in the Turkey-Syrian opposition safe-zone established in Syria, Turkey declared that it retaliated to the attack on the night of March 14. Follow the latest Syria news stories and headlines. The Syrian Defense Forces—a Kurdish dominated group—continues to fight the Islamic State and al-Qaeda affiliates for control of Idlib. I do. I learned that I should say, no, I don’t want freedom. The likelihood of these conflicts materializing vary, of course, but they are all plausible. He felt no pain. Only a year after the new coronavirus emerged, the first vaccines to protect against it are being administered. Syria government reaches out to millions of refugees worldwide to vote in the presidential election but many refuse. There is no worse scenario. Hana Levi Julian - 10 Iyyar 5781 – April 22, 2021. But production challenges, vaccine nationalism, and new virus strains are all presenting hurdles. One of those facilities was called Branch 215, run by military intelligence and known as the “Branch of Death” by many Syrians; another was called Saydnya, which Amnesty International calls the human slaughterhouse. 27 Apr 2021 Fire extinguished on oil tanker off Syria after suspected attack Suffering was way I understood freedom, I understood the need we have for change in Syria. In school they tell you that police protects you My father himself was an officer, retired in 2009–10. by And I started to understand my father’s words about the importance of not talking about it. April 27, 2021, Confronting Extremism at the Municipal Level, Webinar They would say to my cousin, “If you don’t shoot him we will kill him.” I then decided, maybe it’s better if I do it. But I always end it in a very hopeful way. By David Martin, Margaret Brennan Updated on: February 26, 2021 / 7:06 PM / CBS News What’s happening in Syria? Syria Receives 40 Ambulances from the World Health Organization. Omar Alshogre: I get surprised, shocked when I hear people talking about Syria, like they actually don’t understand what’s going on: “How was it when ISIS started killing the people?” It’s like there was no regime killing people for years before ISIS existed. You were arrested for the final time in November 2012. As the Syrian conflict marks its 10th anniversary, the protest movement from which it emerged stands as perhaps the most consequential of the Arab uprisings. Why is Syria back in the news? It was torture. When I talk about it, I talk about it from a very personal level so people feel connected and feel they can act. —New Eastern Outlook. The Assad regime controls most of Syria’s territory, but significant regions in the North, Northwest, and Northeast remain beyond its control. The guard forced me to torture my cousin, who I loved the most, and they forced my cousin to torture me—they gave him the gun and said, “You’ve got to shoot him.” shoot me. They were random passersby who noticed you on the side of the road, starving, looking bewildered and lost. by Salman Rafi Sheikh | Published: 00:00, Feb 26,2021. As soon as I realized I was alive, I looked around me and saw a car stuck behind me. You were 15 years old when the people around you started taking to the streets, following the lead of protesters in Tunisia, Jordan, and Egypt. Syrian business tycoon Firas Tlass said that certain areas in Syria are completely under Iranian or Hizbullah control, and that President Bashar Al-Assad does not know what is happening in those areas. I’m talking to young people, to university students, to businessmen—they feel hopeless when they hear about Syria. The US War in Syria is Far from Over . During my time in prison, in May of 2013, they attacked my village and the hometown and killed almost everybody they met. I want them to understand the brutality. Overview. He’s lost so much—his home, most of his family—and has testified in front of European war crimes investigators and briefed members of Congress on the crisis in his home country. I had no feeling. Be creative.” Imagine hearing this question 48 times and you are forced to “give creative answers,” which do not include “shoot me” or “slaughter me.” They want a new way where they can enjoy killing you. MSF projects in Syria View map ... May 4, 2021. They collected all the young people, all the men they found, tied our hands behind our backs and put us on the ground, jumping on our heads, forcing us to say God, Syria, and Bashar. And I used to say these words when the teachers would take us to streets. They shot me and I felt like I died and felt no pain. Column: Politics. We hate Syria as much for being in the Russian sphere of influence and never having been in ours as for anything in Syria’s own actions. C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics, Blog Post January 21, 2021 2:30 pm (EST) Turkey-backed Syrian rebel fighters walk in a field of flowers in Idlib, Syria, on April 15, 2020. Support SouthFront. Tweet on Twitter So: “Have you seen my son?” “Yes, I saw him and he died with a smile on his face. ALEPPO, Syria — The Turkish army and Russian forces’ recent military moves have raised the concerns of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Hasakah and Raqqa in northeastern Syria. Country: Syria. Then you learned your mother and sisters had managed to escape to Turkey and paid for your release. So I realized I was still alive. 1 May, 2021. Maybe you recognize him.” I lost no memories from my time in prison. by Claire Felter Israeli raids targeting arms depots and military positions in eastern Syria killed at least nine Syrian soldiers and 31 allied … Then, he was a political prisoner. I knew what freedom meant physically, never thought about freedom of speech until I was asked by the guard who was jumping on my head, “Do you want freedom?”. August 2020. Russia, Iran, China and the non-aligned axis would see a multi-polar world emerge from the … Those people who picked him up weren’t some rescue team or humanitarian task force. My heart did not easily get used to the joy the guard was having while he was torturing me, while he was aware of me being innocent, minor, a kid in prison. Interview with Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond. The cost of a food basket, for example, has increased by 236% in just 12 months. But the freedom to torture was what he gave me back when I said I want freedom. Join us on Zoom for a panel discussion with two speakers from Der Ezzor discussing the current political & social landscape of the region. There is always tension in Israel and the Palestinian Territories, but recently they have intensified and this week, they erupted. March 15 2020 is a significant day for Syrians. April 14, 2021 highest number of Corona injuries in eastern Mediterranean !! You’d find ways to evade authorities. —New Eastern Outlook. Radwan Fouad Jomaa fled Syria and settled in Denmark, but now he is being told to return to Damascus. Home; About; Vanessa Beeley Interview – Israel Again Creates Conflict & What’s Really Happening In Syria. December 2020. The Wall Will Fall Where mainstream media fears to tread. Well be prepared to pay a hefty sum of 13.64 euros when in Lebanon. I know there is so many parts involved: the reason behind the war, the regime, Russia, the Iranian support. May 12, 2021 11 Mar 2021 February 17, 2021. All contents © 2021 The Slate Group LLC. The United States cares about the humanitarian disaster in Syria, wants the end of Assad’s rule, seeks to blunt Iran’s efforts to reinforce its reach in the Levant, and counter Moscow’s growing influence in the region starting with Syria. A mother of a detainee would call me and say: “I heard you were just released, I had my kid who was maybe with you in the same prison. November 2020. The US war in Syria is far from over. For the first time in the history of the Syrian civil war, a nation has retaliated for an attack against Syrian civilians that did not harm its soldiers or wasn't a chemical attack. What Is the World Doing to Distribute COVID-19 Vaccines? That’s what I’m trying to break down. He made these remarks on Al-Arabiya Network (Saudi Arabia) in an interview that aired on March 24, 2021 and on March 25, 2021. Continue reading. A decade ago, he was a teenage protester in Syria during the Arab Spring. by Amelia Cheatham, Claire Felter and Zachary Laub I wonder whom you blame for what you’ve been through, or whether you even think about it in terms of blame. I would love to. Pagination. AFP/Getty Images. Continue reading. Menu. What's happening in Syria? President Trump sent U.S. troops to the border with Mexico to supplement the work of authorities there. Syrian Civil War, armed conflict that began in 2011 with an uprising against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The conflict’s complexities are also likely to take up time and resources of the new Biden administration. Skip to content. I started to get very confused and I froze in place, could not move. A few days after then-U.S. President Donald Trump announced in October 2019 that he was pulling U.S. forces from Syria, I was waiting for … Eventually, your cousins were killed in prison. I remember still every single small detail. I could not believe that I’m still alive after that kind of torture, after that fear. Arabi Souri May 9, 2021 2 Comments. Syria's state media says Israeli missiles have struck locations in northwestern towns, killing one person and wounding six May 3, 2021, 9:17 PM The children of Syria devastated by a decade of civil war ABC News’ James Longman reports on the impact the civil war has had on Syria's children after more than 10 years, and the aftermath of ISIS. I was in the middle of nowhere. 2 days ago Tomorrow we will be back; April 16, 2021 Israel: The Turkish Navy is the strongest in the Eastern Mediterranean and poses a threat to Israel; January 13, 2021 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: I will step down in a week; January 14, 2021 March 30, 2021. The US war in Syria is far from over. There is no greater nightmare than the one that is happening right now. In this scenario, it will be easier for the international community to overlook Iran’s defiant moves over nuclear development. Do you know what happened to her? I tell them about a woman who’s being resilient in Syria, who created this and this, how to support this and this. It has been 10 years since the eruption of the popular uprising known as the Arab Spring began in Syria. The Syrian province of Deir Ezzor is back in the news after Israel's devastating airstrikes on Syria. At the last station I jumped off. What did you tell her?” I felt like I was in a coma and I just woke up. We returned to our cell, I have a bullet in my hip and a scar that you can’t believe. Building destruction in Homs, Syria. So you never considered not going back to the protests, even though you suffered for going? Syria received 40 ambulances from the WHO, a small effort by the WHO to help the Syrian healthcare system that suffered much of US terrorism. Improving living conditions for displaced people in northwestern Syria Apr 1, 2021. I started to to talk to others the way that makes them feel best. The general Palestinian legislative elections due to take place May 22 has shaken up the still internal Palestinian waters. I was in central Damascus and people were looking at me in a very, very weird way. Aside from Russian and Iranian/Iranian proxy forces that support the regime, the United States and Turkey have forces on the ground in Syria and Israel routinely violates Syrian airspace in its low-level war against Iran and its allies. 15 Mar 2020, 03:21am. It’s beautiful, it’s green, and the places that have been destroyed can be rebuilt. Steven A. Cook. It’s there you learned to tell people about what happened to you in Syria. The question of whether and to what extent the United States should be involved in Syria has vexed two administrations. January-June 2020. You’ve talked a couple of times about a girl you loved. Just 900 U.S. troops remain in Syria, working with allies in a nation torn by civil war. What is happening now in one of the world’s most confusing conflicts? Do you feel like it’s your job to help them understand? President Biden pledges a new approach as pressures mount along the boundary. with Andy Berke and Sasha Havlicek But they started shooting people, people I knew were good. That was one of the scariest moments of those three years. Every single hour the guards would come and ask me, “How do you want me to kill you? There is no worse scenario. President Trump’s Successes in the Middle East Are Historic: ISIS Is Destroyed, Iranian Regime Is Contained and First Peace Treaty in Region in 25 Years. In addition, Syria’s sovereignty is compromised. Yet, American policymakers have neither the will nor the domestic political support to invest military and financial resources to meet Syria’s challenges. Syria at 10 years since the March 2011 Arab Spring Uprising. In that time, half a million people have died and roughly half the population has been displaced. So that’s what empowered me the most. I was taken to prison and tortured for four days and I realized the value of freedom, physical freedom, but also the freedom of speech, which we had nothing of. How did you manage to escape? Syria at 10 years since the March 2011 Arab Spring Uprising. A few days after then-U.S. President Donald Trump announced in October 2019 that he was pulling U.S. forces from Syria, I was waiting for … My legs were shaking so I could not stand, and my hands were shaking. With some medication, I say, “Yes, I saw your son. They killed some people. Syria; MEMRI: Parts of Syria Under Total Control of Iran, Hezbollah. Whole of Syria March 2021. The narrative that the Syrian regime is trying to build is that it’s too complex., that you can’t involved, that you can’t understand it, that you can’t help. I didn’t understand when I was there. vanessa beeley / April 26, 2021. I learned how to cover my face, to not be in the first line. The Biden administration appears in no rush to leave, fearing an Islamic State resurgence. BEIRUT (AP) — The international aid organization Doctors Without Borders said Tuesday a staff member was killed and three were injured in separate incidents last month in a camp for displaced people in northeast Syria. My father believed in the Syrian revolution. This post was shared from the 's RSS feed. When they arrested the people, they were recording the entire massacre. When you reunited with them, you weighed just 75 pounds and had tuberculosis. State and Local Webinars, C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics With Raphael Bostic, Virtual Event At the same time they gave me a screwdriver and said, “You can open a car on your cousin’s body.” My cousin was crying in front of me. Your dad also started driving you to protests, since he could see this was important to you. The March 2011 peaceful protests that erupted across Syria have since evolved into the world’s most complex conflict. Whole of Syria February 2021. During President Trump’s time in … Does he even know it’s happening? On Jan 13, 2021 15,676. Share on Facebook. And we don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. But we took the decision they are to do not do it. As 2021 begins, humanitarian and development actors working on Syria must confront a host of new challenges. My father used to be very angry most of the time. —Photo by Scott Parker. All rights reserved. Related posts. The latest Syrian retaliation against Israeli aggression has revealed weakness of Zionist air defence systems. I took that feather and used it to write the phone number on my arm every day. After that, a refugee, who escaped to Europe on a rubber boat. Top Conflicts to Watch in 2021: Increasing Violence in Afghanistan, The Strategic Consequences of India’s COVID-19 Crisis, Nigerian Government Threatens to Use the Hammer in the South East, C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics. Make no mistake: What’s happening in Syria is a modern-day Holocaust. There is no greater nightmare than the one that is happening right now. Tlass said that the areas controlled by Iran are used to bring … However, against this background, most of the Western media has overlooked other events that may prove to be far more important to the security of both the Middle East and Europe. The ghost of the 2003 Iraq war has haunted every decision that the United States has made on the Syrian civil war, which this week marked its tenth anniversary. More; Learn more about us. Steven A. Cook is Eni Enrico Mattei senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies and director of the International Affairs Fellowship for Tenured International Relations Scholars at the Council on Foreign Relations.

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