Goals Winter Schnee, Happy Huntresses Powers/Skills Despite his slim and lean build, Qrow has shown to have great physical prowess. In "Lost", Tyrian gives Emerald and Mercury some advice about how far they want to go, before telling them that he and Watts have been assigned to a special mission to go to Atlas. Clover Ebi | In the Japanese dub, Tyrian is voiced by Yoku Shioya. You and Qrow kept a steady pace, slowing when you got too close. Qrow's dislike of Atlas is brazen enough for him to immediately get into a brawl with Winter Schneeupon encountering her and personal enough for him to back down at the last second just for the chance to humiliate Winter in front of James Ironwood. Every now and then Clover would look up at Qrow and smile softly. 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Qrow Branwen 4 Bulat 5 Intermission 6 Fight 7 Conclusion Season 2 Episode 18! Elm Ederne | Yang Xiao Long, Team JNPR Qrow angrily responds to his second opponent and charges at him. Surrounded and too injured to continue fighting, Tyrian flees the area, hoping Salem will forgive him for his failure. I'm very curious to see, how you'll handle Yang's stress throughout the story. Likely as thanks to the Grimm's leader Salem, Tyrian swore allegiance to her and regarded her as his queen. Main So I haven't posted in weeks- many weeks- I forgot to keep up with RWBY stuff so I kinda got my brother to help byyy... getting my brother to draw Qrow. That is all. Qrow felt uneasy, while you thought everything was fine, but whenever you're in the woods you should always be on your toes. Ghira Belladonna | Enemies Harriet Bree | When he appears to have the upper hand in a fight, he becomes overconfident and careless, letting himself take hits as long as he can continue to press the advantage. Regardless, he has faith in his nieces' potential as Huntresses, encouraging them to continue learning throughout their time at Beacon, saying they will go far after graduating. Tyrian Callows is a major antagonist of the American animated webseries RWBY. Carrying out missions for Salem. Qrow whirls around in surprise, seeking the cause of the disturbance. As Qrow and Clover begin to fight one another, Tyrian “regains” consciousness. Assist Salem in her plans.Bring Ruby Rose to Salem (failed). In "Known by its Song", Raven stated that she and Qrow attended Beacon to learn how to kill Huntsmen, implying that he once shared her brutal nature in the past. In "Ruby Rose", Ozpin described him as a "dusty, old crow". In "War", Tyrian happily debunks Mercury Black's argument that "Salem is not ending the world" after overhearing Emerald and Mercury's conversation, and states that her destructive intentions were obvious, before leaving with Mercury to go to Vacuo under Salem's orders. Tyrian bides his time and waits for them to attack each other. In "Tipping Point", Tyrian intercepts Team RNJR at Oniyuri and attacks them. Qrow vs Bulat is a Death Battle by Peep4Life. Robyn shoots a crossbow bolt at him, he catches it in his teeth. In Volumes 3-6 he was voiced by Vic Mignogna, best known for voicing Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. If you do not wish to know vital information on plot / character elements in a story, you may not wish to read beyond this warning: We hold no responsibility for any negative effects these facts may have on your enjoyment of said media should you continue. In his official design, he has graying black, spiky hair, red eyes, and slight stubble along his jawline. However, Hazel reveals that Ozpin is still alive, prompting Salem to dismiss Tyrian and the others before unleashing her rage. Even among his peers, Qrow is a greatly feared and formidable Huntsman, with even the likes of Ironwood and Arthur Watts being wary of his combat prowess and reluctant to engage him in battle. Jaune Arc | Therefore, this villain shall be added to our "Never Again List", where proposed villains rejected by the community shall be placed to prevent future proposals of the same evil-doer. Tyrian is accidentally freed by Clover’s fishing hook, he sneaks off, kills the pilots, and sabotages the controls of the manta. Qrow's Semblance, Misfortune, causes bad luck around him and unlike most Semblances, it’s eternally active and can never turn off. Tyrian is a pale man with a brown braided ponytail and gold eyes. I'm surprised, but happy for you. He later attends a meeting called by Salem, where he offers to stop the Beacon students from delivering the Relic of Knowledge to Atlas. A testament to his strength and skill is that even while under the influence, he was able to match Winter, a high ranking Atlas official, in armed combat despite her status as a highly trained Huntress. Neon Katt | He also wears a ring on his right index finger, two other rings on his right ring finger, and a necklace with a crooked cross-shaped pendant. He is also extremely effervescent, vivacious and gleeful when instructed to find Ruby, though is disappointed when told he must capture her alive. When Ozpin tells Pyrrha Nikoswhy he needs her help and asks her to become a Maiden, Qrow is the only one who bluntly tells her just how bad the consequences could be for her should she agree. Emerald sees Cinder and starts to run towards her, expressing relief she’s ok, but Cinder chastises her subordinate. When a nearby Beowolf attempts to attack him, Tyrian viciously kills it before taking his grief out on its corpse; stabbing it repeatedly as his cries turn into maniacal laughter. The two stop for a brief moment, but Tyrian interjects and tells them not to stop on his account. He tells Salem that though he failed to retrieve Ruby like she asked, he managed to poison Qrow and remove him as a threat; asking if he's still pleased her with this action. Type of Villain Now they were getting somewhere, and if there was anything Qrow knew about it was setting up a good weapon. In "Taking Control", Tyrian returns to Salem's Domain and grovels before Salem. It contains HUGE spoilers. Tyrian charges at Robyn, but is interrupted by Qrow and Clover. Tyrian then suggests they “put the kid to bed before they finish it.” Qrow agrees to the serial killer’s suggestion and the two go after Clover. Given his name and association with Ozpin and Ironwood, it's possible he alludes to the Scarecrow from, The mumbling of the phrase "That's my uncle!" Oscar Pine | Clover: How so? Tyrian is a shade of purple, similar to the color of the venom from his tail, and that of his eyes when he is prepared to use it. In "Ace Operatives”, Tyrian corners Forest in an alleyway. Qrow: Search your feelings you know it to be true. Cinder Fall • Roman Torchwick • Mercury Black • Emerald Sustrai • Neopolitan, White Fang Watts reassures him by telling him the security code in Mantle is outdated, allowing the scientist to hack the security cameras, and allowing both men to walk freely. Weiss Schnee | Enraged, Qrow screams he is going to kill Tyrian. The mentors of Ruby Rose and Tatsumi go to battle - with their legendary reputations preceding them, will it be Huntsman or Night Raid assassin taking their final bow? In "Out in the Open”, Tyrian and Watts watch Ironwood and Robyn Hill expose the truth about the recent murders and their plans to divide the people of Mantle. "You'll be on the run. When questioned about who he is, Tyrian tells them that his name doesn't matter and he's only interested in Ruby, whom he declares will be coming with him. He finds amusement in taunting his opponents while he fights and shows joy when Team RNJR will not allow him to take Ruby without a fight, indicating a level of bloodlust. Emerald Sustrai | Despite Team RNJR's efforts, Tyrian easily defeats them and incapacitates Ruby. Weiss: Only he is manipulated, corrupting bastard. Pietro Polendina | In his bird form, Qrow is able to cover large distances and for stealth purposes. and is usually seen taking swigs from his hip flask, often at inappropriate times such as in front of children or during important strategic meetings. And like most Huntsman weapons, his blade also contains a gun component. Jacques Schnee • Secretary • Arma Gigas, Happy Huntresses ... Qrow grinned. In "Midnight" Tyrian shows Salem (via scroll) texts that state that Arthur Watts has managed to hack Penny while kneeling before Salem (along with the rest of her subordinates). A mere few hours later, the two of you stood in front of the cozy looking home belonging to Qrow’s brother in law, Taiyang. Coco Adel | May Zedong, Team NDGO His jacket is left open, exposing his bare chest, which is criss-crossed with prominent scars. God of Light | In the past, Tyrian was a known serial killer who killed people across Remnant. Qrow: I’m very good at skinning animals for cooking purposes but no one ever needs me to do it. Alias Amber | Salem asks Cinder who her new partner is, upon which Cinder answers her master, stating that Neo is a valuable asset. In mock sympathy, Tyrian tells Qrow it doesn’t look like Clover is going to make it. Chaotic Good Relationship Status Married Kakashi H. :] Profile link Directory link Character Development ... Qrow, that was a joke in poor taste. Salem. I can lick my elbow. I'll see what I can do." However, before he can strike her with his stinger, Qrow Branwen intervenes and blocks the attack. His hand-to-hand skills are later shown against Tyrian once more in "Gravity", where he employs punches and kicks against the serial killer extensively. However, this changes In "The More the Merrier", as after Qrow finds out Raven joined forces with Cinder Fall and set a trap for him, his nieces and their friends, he claims that he no longer sees her as family. Fenix Nemean | The sword for yang and the scythe for ruby. "He'll need it," Ironwood mumbled. Tyrian was described to his voice actor Josh Grelle, as psychotic incarnate, and someone who wants to see the world burn. They quickly overwhelm Tyrian, which causes him to burst out into maniacal laughter. In addition, his hair is made to look like it is composed entirely of feathers. Occasionally Qrow would start shifting restlessly and Clover would flick his pin, urging his semblance to help Qrow sleep. In the flashback sequence of "Burning the Candle", Qrow had dark spiky hair and donned a cloak, with predominantly dark or black clothing. Qrow ran a hand through his hair, not really wanting to get involved in something that looked so cut and dry but also not wanting to leave Ozpin hanging. He is the younger twin brother of Raven Branwen, the uncle of Yang Xiao Long and honorary uncle of Ruby Rose, and a former teacher at Signal Academy. Qrow: No Weiss, I am your Father. using one of Star Wars quote. You take a deep breath, giving Qrow’s hand a squeeze. In "Family", it is shown that unlike his sister, Qrow despises killing and is upset with Raven for not contacting Yang, especially after she learned her daughter had lost her arm. Much later during the time Ruby is exposing Ironwood's plan to her companions, Tyrian is seen on the bullhead airship, tied up, and sitting next to Clover, Robyn, and Qrow. Qrow finds out about STR becoming a thing while they're still at Beacon (how he finds out I'll leave up to you) He guessed he always sort of knew. So you kept an eye out for anything suspicious or any signs of grimm. That is all. Bird one thing to note is that yang's mom, Raven, used a sword. Raven Branwen (sister)Taiyang Xiao Long (former brother-in-law)Yang Xiao Long (niece)Ruby Rose (honorary niece) In the episode "It's Brawl in the Family", Harbinger first appears as a longsword, which contains gears near the crossguard area. While on the ground he chuckles at Robyn as she approaches, she then kicks him in the head, knocking him out. As one of Ozpin's closest lieutenants and operatives, Qrow is incredibly skilled at intelligence gathering and espionage, having been known to bear witness to some of Salem's as-of-yet unseen creations, describing them as fear itself. Cinder states Penny had gotten in her way during her personal mission in stealing the Winter Maiden powers, and says she will take what is hers. He wears a white sleeveless jacket with leather belts strapped to it, along with white pants. Tyrian, Qrow, and Clover fight one another. Tyrian is a pale man with a brown braided ponytail and gold eyes. In "Known by its Song", Raven states Ozpin gave the twins their shapeshifting abilities. Hobby "Thank you, Qrow. It's also clear that he cannot handle leadership without relying on alcohol as seen during his travels with Team RNJR, following the Fall of Beacon. Suddenly, the bolt explodes, dazing him, and depleting his aura. Salem later orders Tyrian to continue his search for the Spring Maiden. During their fight, Tyrian reveals he is a scorpion Faunus, which makes Ruby question if this is about the White Fang or Roman Torchwick. It looks epic- that's all I'm gonna say, I'd suggest you look at his twitter, This thing has precious art and does art for free. He also wears leather boots covering his entire shin with knee guards. She wears a long sleeved thick black blouse with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves, a black waist cincher with red lacing up the front, and a black skirt with red trim.

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