Like if someone was on a beach the could use sand. With the years he found out that he could teleport, not far but it was growing. Quirk: Storm. Quirk: Whistle. My brain works weird when at night. Sometimes I leave things simple because I'm sure I will understand it later. We briefly look at a few looping techniques (enumerate, zip), and then dive into comprehensions. Can shoot pressurized air by whistling. Quirk: Stitch. If above 40 degrees, the quirk users temperature will go high enough that they will light on fire. Quirk: Banishing and summoning. ! The user cannot control how adhesive their bandages are since they sweat the adhesive substance quite a lot but despite this, they can dissipate bandage adhesiveness when they’re both blind and deaf. He can open doors, boxes, cabinets, and etc that will take him wherever he wants to go. When fighting someone they can use the opposite quirk of that person. Quirk: Opposite. Can banish things or people with his left side and summon with his right. His quirk was called Scythe, since it was the only thing he could do at the age of four. Quirk: Gamer. Can cause people to stress out over small things. The user can swap between genders but four out of ten they can’t be an in-between; The user usually has Dysphoria. For example, if the room is below 40 degrees, the quirk users body temperature will change to the temperature needed for possible ice manipulation. 4: There are no prizes, voting and such, this is a creative challenge to see who has a great ideas for Quirks. 123 Ideas For Character Flaws. Give him some character flaws - make him really impatient or some other little quirk to make him more interesting. Quirk: Hack. Instead of attracting small objects, I can attract quirks. This also includes turning air into a solid. Quirk Limit[s]: The user can only extend their bandages as far as their length (But they are able to merge bandages with other ones to be able to extend them further). 5!! Quirk: typhokinesis. If the user goes too long without removing bandages, the bandages will become too adhesive and will cause the user’s joints to become harder to control and usually stiff; It’s like shedding. Can grow extra limbs from his body. If some of these are weird or not as descriptive it's because it's night time. 2: Revisions can be made, and you can make multiple separate Quirks. So that physical attacks won't hurt. 3: The more Interesting a Quirk, the more attention it'll receive. I have a few ideas for some fun, interactive activities – 1- A simple, silly time of sharing corny jokes, combined with a version of “causal Friday” where everyone has to wear a predetermined item/outfit (crazy hat, Hawaiian lua, cowboy, etc) Quirks: senses. The user can forcefully make their bandages regrow faster at the cost of stamina (For every foot of bandages, the user loses a small portion of stamina). After!Rue's!death,!the!announcer,!wanting!to!bring!back!the!romance!story!between!Peeta!and! Types of quirks I can take: unknown. Blood Ink Constellation Miner's Dream Reclaim Arsenal Trap Hack Candy Friction Mutant Quirks. Frollo The One (frollo_theone) Lists. Can make things hurt more than they actually would. Quirk: Tattoo? The more tired the user is, the more physically strong they get. The user, although able to attain certain wings, tails, or such appearances, cannot use these additional ‘limbs’ to their full potential, but rather, to a short extent (For example, a set of wings will only provide a hover and will keep the user in the air high above ground as long as they keep a steady pace). 5 (Optional): You can put the Quirks you've made in blogs and link them here, if you so wish. Giving them the ability to heal themselves when they please, or to change their body temperature. If wants to use a quirk he uses it for an hour and can't switch until the hour is over. The most important thing is though, have fun with this and don't rush! Class 1-A and 1-B’s joint training exercise finally begins and the addition of a new prospective hero student puts everyone on high alert on My Hero Academia. But the Quirk Users body isnt capable of handling the power unless hardcore training. Lightwave Unknown Quirks. Quirk: Firebreath Quirk Attraction. Quirk: Mass: can take away the mass of something or add to it. Those who love My Hero Academia(Boku No Hero) join the community! In this lecture, we'll dive into Python's standard tools for data manipulation. Can change his body type, Quirk: Golem. Solved: I am running Audition CC 6 on a 2013 MacBook Pro. If above 40 degrees, the quirk users temperature will go high enough that they will light on fire. Quirk: projectile. Minx. Quirk: limbs. Lightni g can wrap around his body and clouds. I don't really think these are worth selling for coins cuz my ideas aren't that good, so they'll stay free.---Energetically Tired. Can use his skin as threads that can stitch things together. Quirk: Gateway. He can use shadows or the darkness to fight for him. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Quirk: Fusion of learn and copy. Quirk: Adjetive. Two out of ten the user’s bandages will mysteriously get bloodstained at one, some of, most of, or all of their joints or weak points at some point. means that the quirk is taken. Quirk Attraction is a major mutation of Mom's quirk. For the most part, you should forget about data manipulation with base R. Use dplyr. Back when the pandemic hit, it wasn’t difficult to find some heartwarming stories of people helping each other. If you want to use any of these or add to them just ask. Quirk user can control/feel everything in their body inhumanely. Quirk: Bubble gum. Can simply change something into another object of the same size. He can copy good and if he eats it in time it'll remain. He can touch things then make a copy of it. Length of time I have taken quirks: unknown, but … Number of quirks I can have at once: unknown. *Memory Reading-the person can read any person's memory just by looking in their eyes but some memories aren't meant to be seen. He can use shadows or the darkness to fight for him. If he touches a fire tattoo it'll grant him that power. Use this list ... Fetish, quirk, obsession, infatuation. Can touch anything and turn it into a golemn. Here are the rules: 1: Op Quirks are allowed, but they must also carry a very heavy cost, Since Quirks like All for One takes an immense amount of control to handle. Quirk: stress or anxiety. For example, if the room is below 40 degrees, the quirk users body temperature will change to the temperature needed for possible ice manipulation. He can touch two things and have them get stuck to each other. Can work on fire. The user is able to shoot these bandages as far as they can unwrap and on the bottom of the bandages is a very sticky adhesive-like substance they sweat that's good for surrounding others with and trapping them. Quirk Description: The user is covered head-to-toe in bandages and looks like a mummy. Fusion Wildebeest Honey Badger Fiend Fusion Quirks. The illusions seem 100% authentic because you can actually get bloodstained from bleeding ones and put your hand in open-body wounds. Can make People forget things for a short period of time. Well, I'm honestly a fan of My Hero Academia (no surprise there) and I thought 'well, why not see who has the most creative Quirk in this wiki? Their bandages will first regrow (Yes, they do regrow) at their ‘ears’ or ‘eyes’ and will make their way to their ‘mouth’, the top of their head, and then the rest of their body. Quirk: learn. Body can transform into a gum like material. ', hence why this is in the off topics section. It only works on emitters. It’s typically the user’s feet bandages that pick up the ability due to the fact that they’re closest to the ground and are normally the last bandages the user rips off in an emergency or such. Slinky Squirrel Bat Level Up Transformation Quirks. Loved all the ideas! Can send objects at people at any speed he chooses. Just thought i'd whip up something this time around, since I'm bored. Drawback(s): Quirk user needs to be focused to be able to control quirk. Their bandages are also good for covering up wounds. Good for swinging around too if the adhesiveness isn't too high. Aqua-Shock is a half water half electric quirk, I would have a emmiter type quirk that is like raiko stories but it will have a downside my quirk will be a storage quirk it will allow me to store lightning and use it to enhance my self and emit the lightning but the downsides are when i store to much lightning i get adhd and if i am by a electrical appliance ironicly i get headaches but if my quirk awakens then it gives me more storage a faster charge time and it cost less lightning to enhance and and emit but i still get adhd if i store to much. Learn the 5 major “verbs” of dplyr, and practice them over and over with very simple examples until you have the basic techniques completely memorized.. After you’ve memorized the basic techniques, increase the complexity of your practice examples … make things slightly more difficult over time. Quirk Drawbacks: Upon removing bandages from their eyes, they go blind. He wants to be a Hero, but the other kids call him a villain because of his scythe. Quirk: Molten half rock/half fire. Quirk: form change. I will update and add more quirks as more ideas come to mind. I have re-installed and made sure I am fully updated...but I can't do the most basic of - 5805101 Can change the state of an object into a solid, liguid, or gas. Quirk: Shadow/dark manipulation. I think my favorite is the Bingo game. Quirk: bubbles. Also work with art. Quirk: Shadow/dark manipulation. When the user makes their body visible, they will gain the ability to see, hear, and speak, but will only be able to feel temperature and touch (They can’t feel pain in this state). Through the bandages, the user's eyes look red and glow in the dark a bit. Covid Inspired Kindness. He can copy quirks as well but only one at a time. Can stop one of the 5 senses of a person. Molecular Slice I actually really like the projectile quirk. I omitted the special and ultimate moves as they are usually different to each quirk user. Emitter Quirks. Quirk: Pain. Ex. It hurts quite a bit to tear bandages off. Join the community. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Overview Gallery Synopsis Relationships 1 Predecessor 1.1 Nana Shimura 2 U.A. After seeing someone use their quirk he knows everything about it. Like a tap could feel like a punch. the quirk would not effect my height it would make me a bit stronger then i would be with out the quirk as to maximise the storage i do run a bit faster then everybody else but i have to eat a meal 5 times a day or have a bigger meal and it needs tons of training or an awakening event to change properties of the lightning the quirk factor is in my torso, I'm not part of this wiki but by god I will contribute (I got here by a Bing Search), Quirk Name: Mummified Terror (A rare mutation of “Mummy”, which is a mutation of a quirk similar to Sero’s). Can banish things or people with his left side and summon with his right. MGE World Guide II: Demon Realm Traveller's Guide, MGE World Guide - Side 1.5: Wilmarina's Honeymoon, MGE World Guide - Side II: Salvarision ~The fallen Knights of Lescatie~, MGE World Guide - Side III: Court Alf ~Divas of the City of Water~. Together with a review of lists from last week, we'll see dictionaries, tuples, and sets, along with all of their common operators (and even a few uncommon ones!). Any bandage can pick up that ability by being put on the ground with their adhesiveness dissipated. Removing bandages from the ears, they go deaf. Can pull tattoos from his body and use them. Members. The more they use their quirk, the less tired they become. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Can change his body into a dark cloud and can shoot lightning. Or else, temperature will change drastically depending on the room heat. Poison copy = poison copy has the ability to copy other quirks and poion the opponent so there quirk is disabled for 5-10 minutes depending on the opponets quirks strength(the stronger the less time the poison lasts) and the opponet will be paralyzed so they cant fight for however long the poison lasts, Name: Aqua-Shock. The user’s bandages do eventually lose their adhesiveness after a while when they’re torn off (Depending on how adhesive the bandages were, it might take longer). Causes user to have to go through the memory and go through … Can create a controller that he uses to control people. So that will result in frostbite and burn marks. (My bad i accidently hit the reply button)^, Anyways my quirk name would be called Black Out the quirk lets the user turn into a shadow and also make a clone out of shadows and also its moves are shadow posesser where the user can take your shadow which makes u unconsious the second move would be silent kill where the user takes over your body with there shadow and takes your soul out and the next move is called nightmare this is where the user makes u have a nightmare of u getting killed and the next move is called eternal night where he puts a nightmare in your head and what ever happens to u in the nightmare happens to u in real lifeÂ, (Can someone give me a better name for this quirk plz), I also have another quirk called counter the user of this quirk can counter any quirk like say bakugo hit the user with an explosion the user would be able to take the move and use it with 50x the power he got hit with also the moves is full counter which makes it 100x stronger then the next move is demon counter which when the user counters the quirk it obliderates everything to ash that was in the way (Most likely this would be a villian quirk because of the second move)Â, Also another quirk would be :Blood Minipulation Type: idk it gives the user the ability to control blood the first move is called Cryopreservation this is when the user can freeze the opponents blood and ice forms in smaller blood vessels and bursts the blood vessels the second move is called belching blood which when the user touches the opponent the opponent blood boils untill explodes out of the persons body. So if someone uses water they'll control fire. *This is the page where I will be providing different quirk ideas. It's so simple, yet can be used in a lot of creative ways! Hello. Anything can be a weapon. Quirk: copy. Midoriya Izuku. Wherever there aren’t bandages, the user can’t feel anything except touch (This doesn’t include being completely unravelled). The user, although appearing to be invisible underneath, can actually make their body visible. Below are the quirks themselves and a description of what they are. Quirk: Banishing and summoning. Despite being able to cause illusions of wounds, the user will also go through the pain that they’d feel as if it really happened. When the user is both blind and deaf, their bandages will pick up vibrations that act as sensory. Custom Quirk Ideas. Quirk: Forget. If the user’s bandages become adhesive enough, they can tear them off (Although with difficulty) and use them to capture someone for an hour-and-a-half (Or such) or a small group for about half-an-hour. Copies only last 5 minutes and will work. The user constantly sweats when they’re covered in their bandages and are unable to control it. They’re very scary and can create scary illusions on their body (Such as gunshot wounds, deep scars, missing parts of skin, et cetera; As long as they know what they want the illusion to look like) to scare off the enemy. TEDx is an international community that organizes TED-style events anywhere and everywhere -- celebrating locally-driven ideas and elevating them to a global stage. I add descriptions when I think I will forget. Can see through objects, can see heat,night vision, hypnotize, and can shoot beams from his eyes. Tease. Check out threstic2020's art on DeviantArt. Quirk: Adjetive. Monster Girl Encyclopedia Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. He uses words that alter his body and quirk. Quirk: Change. He uses words that alter his body and quirk. Browse the user profile and get inspired. Quirk: Storm. When the user has no bandages, they can’t feel or sense anything except temperature and touch. Quirk: eyes. Don't expect these to be good since it's night time. Underneath the bandages, however, appears to be nothing at all. Quirk: aereokinesis. Flirty-To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures; behaviour intended to arouse sexual interest. After learning someone quirk he can use it whenever but only one quirk at a time. You can ask me questions about these and I'll answer them. Every two minutes, one inch of bandages regrow (Their bandages are constantly regrowing unless they specifically force them to stop). There was … Removing bandages from their mouth, they go mute. ... as a form of manipulation, and always for a selfish cause or reason. Into My Hero Academia? He can change what the bubble can do when popped. Can take control of electrical things. Can shoot bubbles out of hands that will explode on contact. Not just illusions, but they can attain different tails or wings or such to complete their terrifying appearance. Yea I thought so. I came up with this list trying to think of what quirk my Oc that I'm making should have. But the Quirk Users body isnt capable of handling the power unless hardcore training.

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