Though the cannon turns very slowly, you should still have enough time to turn it fully around to blast Red Eye before it destroys the train. A crane symbol in the bottom-right corner of the map indicates the crane can be operated. It can also regenerate any part of its body at will, shown when the railgun blows its head off its body. If there's one part of the game made much easier with the help of human allies, it's this one. Activate the final Data Post to trigger a cutscene. When you've managed to destroy all of the weak spots on one side of Red Eye, you'll have to wait until it remerges on the other side of the train to get at the weak spots on its other side. To load a Wrath into the chamber, you must use the crane at the back of the platform. The train and the railway gun... well that's a whole other ball game. © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. ... Power Up the Landship gun Lost Planet 2 PlayStation 3 . To perform an Emote, hold the Start button and press one of the shoulder buttons or one of the buttons on the D-Pad. If you're playing with friends, one of the players not on the controls can use the mechanisms on either side of the platform a couple of times to quickly turn the railway gun around. It’s a level that will stick in the mind for a long time to come - unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. Gun down the sniper at the front of the car on the other train before moving on. Like the Undeep, the Red Eye is a huge, subterranean, annelid-like Akrid, which uses hundreds of spiny limbs and other insectoid-like contractions to travel through the ground with relative ease and speed. Gunner - Shoot the Railway Gun 5 times in 1 play session during Episode 3 Chapter 3 Part 2. This objective will only appear if the railway gun's condition falls to around 30 per cent. Because you have both a sniper and a Rocket Launcher-wielding soldier to contend with, killing these last three enemies can be difficult if you're playing solo. Activate the Data Post to add 500 points to your team's Battle Gauge and then enter the car below the railway gun platform at the front of the train. Then you can go and collect the ? None of this is to suggest this chapter can't be conquered alone, but prepare for frustration if you are playing solo. With the powerful railway gun now in your possession, it's time to slay this beast. But not that hard once you get it down. To get onto the railway gun platform, exit through the doorway at the front of the car and then anchor up to the platform. The 1st consist of 2 pyramids three barrels with a lock on either side of one. The primary difference is visual, with the NEVEC hard geometry and high tech appearance. Lost Planet 2 is a third-person shooter video game developed and published by Capcom and Beeline Interactive, Inc. "On Chapter 6-3 after defeating the 2 Cat-G Akrid, when the cutscene of the Railway gun comes up, press no buttons. ... Lost Planet 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. The behemoth appears and the player(s) must fend it off (using heavy artillery such as the VS rocket launchers and VS Rifles scattered throughout the train) until the Thermal transfer is complete. Originally set to be released in early 2010, Capcom delayed the game's consoles release to May 11, 2010 in North America and Europe, May 13 in Australia and May 2 It's easy enough to ignore these akrid, but if one of the explosive projectiles is coming toward you and you aren't sitting at the railway gun controls, pop it with your Machine Gun before it hits. Need some help with this game? If it was shot with an armor-piercing shell wrath, only one shot is needed. Note: If you've downloaded the latest patch from the PlayStation Network (the patch is not up on Xbox Live at the time of this writing), you won't be knocked off the train if Red Eye rams it -- you'll just stumble and lose health, making this chapter much easier if you're playing solo. Then they take the railway gun from the carpetbaggers and kill it. Remain on top of the railway gun during this sequence and Akrid X won't be able to damage you. Another (the one in the middle) is wielding a Rifle, and the third has a Machine Gun. message). Be on the lookout for thrown Disc Grenades as well. If you remain in the train car, be careful; an Carpetbagger wielding a Shotgun will sometimes drop in. Once both turrets are destroyed, drop back down into the train car and take cover below one of the windows. The first time the player tangles with the creature is aboard a train, captured from Central City which is loaded with four days worth of T-ENG. There is a Data Post in the open train car. Akrid Hunter - Complete all chapters in Episode 1. The ram will also knock the players around and possibly off the train. Rapidly press the B/Circle button to charge the shell before its loaded into the cannon. The Red Eye's side spots are its weak spots and can be struck twice: first leaving a glowing red circle, and second, a huge gap revealing the Monster's spine and skeletal structure if the second shell was charged, if not, then only a darkened hole will remain. You can only operate the crane while the railway gun is turned more or less to its default position (i.e., facing the tracks). If you're on foot, kill the sniper first, but be ready to dodge if the other enemy fires a rocket. Though it turns slowly, it isn't slow enough to warrant hopping out of the front seat and putting yourself at risk of being knocked off the train when Red Eye rams it. Move up to the car with the second Data Post, clear out the enemies inside and pick up the Rocket Launcher. The behemoth appears and the player(s) must fend it off (using heavy artillery such as the VS rocket launchers and VS Rifles scattered throughout the train) … This player can operate one of the turrets on either side of the train until repairs aren't needed. When the sniper is down, anchor up onto the next car and drop through the hole in the roof to find Data Post 3. You must deplete Red Eye's life bar to complete the mission, but if Red Eye damages the train enough to completely deplete the blue bar, you'll fail the mission. You can activate a Data Post more quickly while in a VS, but there is one downside: you won't gain any T-ENG this way. Call it what you want, but you won’t find a more defining moment in Lost Planet 2. You must be sitting in the seat in the top-left corner of the platform to operate the railway gun. You won't be able to use the same cooling unit twice in a row, so run over to the unit on the opposite wall and use it to repair the train further. Once all three Data Posts are online, a massive Cat-G Akrid will appear. It is encountered the second time after the player has taken control of the Railway Gun: a massive artillery cannon with a cataclysmically powerful defense/attack system. It is strongly advised that you enlist the help of at least one other player for this chapter. Ex-Nevec Story 1 -- Nevec wants to use NEOS to kill the Over G and syphon up all the Thermal Energy and go to a new planet. It may be me, but it seems like a lot of new players I've encountered have no clue how to operate this behemoth of a gun. III's atmosphere. This is why having a human on your team can make this boss fight much easier. ... Area 3 Do heavy damage to Red Eye's side cores 4 times Fully charge the Railway Gun shell and shoot Activate the Railway Gun's coolant system to repair the train. Review Red-Eye, the Railway Gun, or just Episode 3, Chapter 3. The shell will charge automatically if it is left at the front of the chamber long enough, but this is a slow process. One of the three enemies at the front of the train (the one on the left) is wielding a Rocket Launcher. - If you're unable to play for 5 straight hours, just load Episode 1 and clear all the enemies before idling the game overnight and finishing the level. It also has tens - if not hundreds- of tiny, light sensitive eyes on its upper two jaw plates unlike the similarly-named Green Eye (from LP1) which had two eyes placed atop its head. Don't bother doing this if the railway gun is already pointed to the side when this objective appears. Objective: Get to the Front of the Train!Front of Train: Under 5 Minutes -- Make it to the front of the train in less than five minutes to earn this GJ award. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It is the boss of Mission 02 in Lost Planet 2. Lost Planet 2’s design relies far too much on the assumption of multiple players, and the balancing is often a mess for only one player. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. It is thusly named due to its weak points which are in the shape and color of glowing red eyes. If you're controlling the railway gun and notice Red Eye coming toward the train with its mouth open, shot it in the mouth to stop it from ramming the train. If you don't want to risk losing your VS, you can use the Rocket Launcher near Data Post 2 instead. The other turret is a couple of cars behind the first. The Red Eye is the largest of all the Category-G Akrid (except for the Over-G) at over a thousand feet long. Its underbelly is also extremely weak, however you rarely get a good shot at it except when the Red Eye is about to dive under the sand. You must be attentive. There are two cooling units down below. For the time remaining, all you must do is survive. Attention Whore - Collect all Femme Fatale emotes. You can repair the railway gun using the cooling units in the room below the platform. After activating the first Data Post, collect the Gatling Gun ammo on top of the next car and then move forward until you encounter an Osprey VS. Attempt to shoot down the Osprey before it unloads the soldiers its transporting. Just stand at the front of the train and hold up the Shield to block their bullets. There are three types of shells: Cobalt, Devil Roar and Wrath. However, when VF Command Center tries to hack the controls, the Cat-G Akrid designated Akrid X appears and destroys the Carpetbagger's GAN-36's and moves on to the Railway Gun. Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions, + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. Rather than enter the next train car, look to the train on the parallel track and anchor over to the car with the vacant Nida VS. The mechanism on the left side of the cannon will turn the railway gun 90 degrees to the left, while the mechanism on the right side of the cannon will turn it 90 degrees to the right. Be advised that this may or may not work with AIs as the AIs tend to grab any type of ammo they can and load the railway gun without charging it and then immediately retreat to the car directly behind the railway gun and will stay there until the Railway gun is empty and attempt to reload the railway gun with cobalts which will often take 2 shots to destroy one of Red Eye's weak points even when charged as compared to the charged Wrath shell's 1-shot destroy. Using the cannon at first seems a bit difficult, and it is. Pick up the two Rocket Launchers among the scattered weapons and anchor up to the roof of the train car through one of the openings in the roof. As you can probably tell, I like a game more when you give me a massive gun. Objective: Aim for the Core!Core Fighter -- Destroy four of the T-ENG deposits on Red Eye's sides to earn this GJ award. Devouring the train whole, leading to instant mission failure (only performed when health is extremely low, as marked by the "One More Hit!" The best method for this is to destroy the two behind locks (the ones farthest from the Red Eye) leaving the front two standing. Objective: Activate Data Posts to Seize the Railway GunGun down the carpetbagger on the next car before jumping down. The game was developed for BlackBerry, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows. The Akrid X was spotted by the NEOS orbital satellite cannon as it entered it's way into E.D.N. Stick with Cobalts and Wraths for the most part. ... Lost Planet 2; The Railway Cannon: Helpful Tips in Operation; User Info: SmokingGhost. Top Voted Answer If you go down into to the deck of the railway gun, you'll see two T-ENG Posts which will supply you with T-ENG. They call this one Akrid X. This item has been added to your Favorites. SmokingGhost 10 years ago #1. Using its sheer size to crush the player(s). Operating the railway gun will appear very convoluted at first, so a great deal of explanation is in order. - You get all emotes through the Slot Machine. 1. The red cores along the creature's sides. Many gameplay features from the original Lost Planet game are present. If you destroy the two turrets quickly enough, neither will be able to fire a shot. The Thermal Energy is loaded onto an Osprey chopper meaning that the player can escape, leaving the train to its fate. Objective: Shoot Down the Akrid Projectiles!Anti-air Expert -- Destroy at least three of Red Eye's projectiles to earn this GJ award. Lost Planet 2 gets a 3.5 for multiplayer, a 2 for single player, and a 2.5 as a packaged product. Approach one of the cooling units and rapidly press the B/Circle button to restore the train by about 20 per cent. Defeating Red Eye. (Shooting the glowing locks which hold down the cargo along each part of the train will cause the cargo to fall, roll across the desert, and explode in the Red Eye's jaw giving the same effect as hitting it with a VS rocket launcher. Both can inflict damage and can kill the slug-like monstrosity. The railway gun blows its head off, but that doesn't stop it in the slightest. The 2nd consists of one big box with four locks on top. - Self-explanatory, will unlock naturally through story progression. Objective: Repair the Railway Gun!Good as New -- Bring the railway gun from critical status to 50 per cent to earn this GJ award. They eventually get to the Over G akrid and attack it. I like massive guns.All music is in-game music. Hop in the Nida Vs and jump onto the next car. Another thing this gargantuan shares in common with the Undeep is that it possesses a "beard" of tentacles that is actually a form of antennae that performs two tasks: locates prey with a form of echolocation and guides the beast to its prey; and having great tensile strengths and high friction levels; making it almost impossible to escape the giant's grasp. Red eye may also launch spiny red balls at the train. During the times the creature is not in the best position (as outlined above) players should focus fire on its yellow maw to make it retreat... but know that only detonating cargo in the Red Eye will give the players the GJ Rewards. This can be "repaired" by activating the coolant systems inside the train. The two enemies in the Osprey are armed with Shotguns, so quickly shred them with your Gatling Guns before they take down your VS. Keep an eye out for a Cannon Turret as you continue forward. Having to run down to use the coolants puts you at some risk, so it's best to have one player dedicated to repairing the train. insertVideo('4618'); Walking to the back of this platform you can then grapple to the back of the cannon and leap on top of it. Or click here to search for specific content. Never leave the railway gun facing the tracks while Red Eye's health is this low; always have it pointed to the side to avoid having to turn it all the way around when this objective appears. For Lost Planet 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Power Up the Landship gun". If a player wishes to do so the GAN-36 (Osprey chopper) can be used (located at the back of the train, behind the data post and armory-like asortment of weapon) to attack the weak spots not shown by the Red-Eye (on the other side) as they travel above ground and alongside the railway gun. At some point, Red Eye will begin launching large, slow-moving explosive projectiles at the train. The Railway Gun first appeared in Episode 2 in Central City where Carpetbaggers have built the super weapon and New-NEVEC are given the mission to seize the weapon. As mentioned at the top, if the blue bar at the bottom of the screen is completely depleted, you'll fail the mission. This sudden evolution sets off a powerful explosion within the creatures body and the Red Eye violently and finally dies. Menu. Objective: Fire the Railway Gun!Fired Powerful Combo Shot -- Fire at least one charged shell to earn this GJ award. Objective: Don't Lose Any Men!No Casualties -- Complete the level without a single death on your team to earn this GJ award. To defeat them, grab a rocket launcher from the sizable weapons cache inside the passenger car, hop on the roof and hit them from a distance. When delivered to the last sliver of its health, the Red Eye will grasp one final attempt at devouring the train. It is best to destroy the two turrets on the enemy train before too many soldiers come into view, otherwise you'll have a tough time firing the rockets with all of the extra gunfire. First, you'll need to load shells to fire. Getting 2 or 3 players together to shoot the ball will destroy it and contribute to the "Destroy the Projectiles" GJ Reward. Note: If you've downloaded the latest patch from the PlayStation Network (the patch is not up on Xbox Live at the time of this writing), you won't be knocked off the train when Red Eye rams it -- you'll just stumble and lose health, making this chapter much easier if you have no choice but to play solo.

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