L'actualité sélectionnée et traitée par des journalistes spécialisés en presse jeunesse. (Why do we brush our teeth?). Merriam-Webster describes je ne sais quoi as "something (such as an appealing quality) that cannot be adequately described or expressed," as in "This woman has a certain je ne sais quoi that I really like. What’s the point in crying for nothing? Téléchargez nos catalogues. The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes. JE NE SUIS PAS INTERESSEE. JE NE SUIS PAS INTERESSEE. Découvrez tous nos produits. Ça sert à quoi, on the other hand, tends to be for more philosophical matters: Ça sert à quoi de se marier ? Je pense que Simon dit la vérité. In fact, so many people have that it’s a very common search engine term. Tex's French Grammar is the integral grammar component of Français Interactif, an online French course from the University of Texas at Austin. The song was also performed for the Sans attendre Tour of 2013; the Quebec City performance was included in the Céline... une seule fois / Live 2013 CD/DVD. *Bonus complication: You don’t always have to use pas in a negative statement with the verb savoir…but you do when you use quoi with a verb. (Georges won the lottery! So, what does je-ne-sais-quoi mean? She has taught English and French for more than ten years, most notably as an assistante de langue vivante for L'Education Nationale. What’s wrong with you/What the hell?. Alysa Salzberg is an American writer, worrier, teacher, and cookie enthusiast who has lived in Paris, France, for more than a decade. L'actualité sélectionnée et traitée par des journalistes spécialisés en presse jeunesse. DPD relais s’appuie sur le réseau Pickup constitué de plus de 8500 points relais en France sélectionnés sur des critères stricts comme l’amplitude horaire (98% des points sont ouverts le samedi) et l’espace de stockage dédié. Mot de passe oublié ? One of my favorite things about French culture is that while conventionally beautiful people are as admired and desired as they are in most other places, it’s a lot easier here for someone with genuine talent, a sparkling personality, or simply that je-ne-sais-quoi to be equally admired and revered and embraced as a celebrity. who has it. Au cœur du monde informatique, ne manquez plus rien de l' actualité high tech : les dossiers sur les géants de l'IT (Apple, Microsoft, … penser [qch] vtr verbe transitif: verbe qui s'utilise avec un complément d'objet direct (COD). The shopkeeper thanked him, and he meant to say Il n’y a pas de quoi, but it sounded like N’importe quoi, which, as you know from this list, means “Nonsense.” Luckily, I explained the situation to the shopkeeper and all was well. "Elle a retrouvé son chat". Any showers then progress eastwards in the afternoon meaning some drier and sunnier spells develop, particularly in the west. L'actualité Lifestyle, découvrez nos conseils sorties, nos portraits et nos articles insolites, high tech, mode, beauté, culture, sport et automobile ! There’s no reason to… – Example : Il n’y a pas de quoi pleurer. A second version of the video exists, containing similar footage, but focusing more on the young girl. Ex : "J'écris une lettre". Quoique… (I shouldn’t eat another pain au chocolat. Maximum temperature 16 °C. (You say that all the guys at school want to go out with you, but last night I saw Maxence at the movies…with Lucille.). Français Interactif includes authentic, spoken French language via digital audio and video clips, a French grammar reference (Tex's French Grammar), self-correcting French grammar exercises, vocabulary and phonetics sections, … 1jour1actu traduit et explique avec des mots simples l’info des adultes. For example, if a painting appeals to you, personally, and you can’t quite say why – especially if it’s not conventionally crowd-pleasing – you could say it has a certain je-ne-sais-quoi. member has been listening to. For fellow “Jersey Shore” fans: Think of Angelina’s “Umm, Hello? So, as I replied in the comments, for Nabilla, absolutely!  On the other hand, for someone speaking in a formal setting or someone who wouldn’t use slang or modern/informal language, think of quoi as “isn’t it”, “don’t you think?”, “you know?” (a little more informal), etc. Mr. Speaker, I do not know what the hon. (That’s nonsense/What nonsense!) or Je ne sais pas quoi faire/Je ne sais que faire*, and you’ll get a myriad of answers from French people, not to mention French learning forums and websites. The “hip” French channel Canal + annually chooses a conventionally sexy woman to do the weather report, but they’ll also eagerly invite Beth Ditto to walk in a fashion show.Â, Do you know a person, animal, work of art, or anything else with je-ne-sais-quoi? For those of you don’t know (if you do, you don’t have to pay attention to this), the song is written and sung by Stromae, in French. Sur les pages de garde des livres classés, vous pouvez apposer le modèle . (Excuse me/I beg your pardon?) (Whatever you buy, you’ll regret having spent the money. (What are you doing this weekend?) Je ne sais pas comment le vendeur va réagir car c’est sensé être garanti, je m’imagine mal devoir, moi payer des frais de renvois.... J’attends une réponse. Je ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne idée de partir maintenant. Interjections are words that occur on their own as a kind of utterance. Quite simply, “I-don’t-know-what.”Â, In French, the term can be used either as individual elements of a sentence (Remember Je ne sais quoi faire from earlier in this post?).Â. ), Look up quoi in any French dictionary (online or otherwise), grammar guide, or language-learning forum, and you’re almost certain to find a list of expressions that it’s used with.Â. Ah yes. Monsieur le Président, je ne sais pas d'où le député tient cette allégation. Tonight: Any remaining showers in the east soon die out to give a dry and clear night. Even as someone learning French, you may not be able to understand it completely, because its meaning goes beyond the words that make it up. But as I got better and French and then became fluent, they became familiar friends.Â, I especially like the fact that quoique can work as a stand-alone word, sort of like if you just said “But…”  Example: Je ne devrais pas manger un autre pain au chocolat. It’s no wonder; unlike other common French words that have been borrowed into other languages, this is a compound term with no easily recognizable elements to foreign speakers. I believe Simon is telling the truth. (Get Cinderella ready for the ball? And I’m not alone, since she’s been featured in several ad campaigns, including one I see quite a lot on the streets of Paris.Â, It’s fitting that the term je-ne-sais-quoi is a phrase that hasn’t been translated out of French. "On ne change pas" was used in Xavier Dolan's 2014 film, Mommy. or Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire ce weekend ? Just make sure that your comment is relevant to the content of the article and adds to the conversation. The track became a part of the On ne change pas greatest hits compilation in 2005. Je sais que ce site aidait beaucoup de monde dans leurs recherches généalogiques, je reçois régulièrement de témoignages en ce sens, pour vous je suis navré d'en arriver à fermer ce site mais j'ai autre chose à faire que de suppporter les crétineries d'une minorité qui n'a rien d'autre à faire dans la vie que de menacer ou insulter. Actualités, bons plans et conseils sur la vie étudiante, la mode, le sport, la beauté et la culture Au cœur du monde informatique, ne manquez plus rien de l' actualité high tech : les dossiers sur les géants de l'IT (Apple, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Google…), les news sur la … The following is a list of words and expressions of French origin that are commonly used in English. Pseudo ou adresse de courriel Obligatoire. /What’s the point… As you can tell, these two phrases are very similar but very different. – it makes me think of an outraged cartoon bird honking in disbelief.Â, That being said, quoi has also been used in countless beautiful French novels, essays, poems, and songs.Â, I think this contrast actually sums up the word quite nicely.  While it seems simple, maybe even silly, on the surface, quoi is a word with many facets. This is something I think about a lot. In official French grammar, quoi replaces an indirect object, which means it’s supposed to follow prepositions – for example, A quoi penses-tu ? (What’s the point? I believe Simon is telling the truth. Works of art or design or other kinds of object might, too. Notre service DPD Relais vous permet d’offrir plus de liberté à vos clients destinataires. or Je ne sais pas quoi faire/Je ne sais que faire*, and you’ll get a myriad of answers from French people, not to mention French learning forums and websites.  The explanations here and here are the best concise ones I could find, and even certain points they make could be disputed. But…), – Quoi que tu achètes, tu regretteras avoir dépensé de l’argent. Maximum temperature 16 °C. It’s actually kind of mysterious – which is fitting, since it does mean “what”, after all.Â. www.sanslimitesn.com S'informer Pour Informer DPD relais s’appuie sur le réseau Pickup constitué de plus de 8500 points relais en France sélectionnés sur des critères stricts comme l’amplitude horaire (98% des points sont ouverts le samedi) et l’espace de stockage dédié. ), Je dis n’importe quoi – c’est une blague. ), Jeanne : Au moins tu sauras s’il t’aime ou non. !” Â, But using quoi for emphasis or agreement actually has a direct equivalent in British English. (At least you’ll know if he loves you or not. In addition to being a word in its own right, quoi makes up part of – and gives meaning to – three other French terms you’ve probably used or seen: The main French word for “why” literally means “for what”. quite a lot in France. As someone who’s slightly hard of hearing, I learned this the hard way. There are a few French interjections that are useful to know. Maru, for example, is an utterly adorable Scottish fold cat whose videos fill many of us with serene joy. She recently published her first novel, Hearts at Dawn, a historical fantasy romance that takes place during the 1870 Siege of Paris. Sur les pages de garde des livres classés, vous pouvez apposer le modèle . ), As a culture, the French tend to be very polite, so it’s no wonder there are many ways to say “You’re welcome.” Il n’y a pas de quoi essentially means, “No worries.”. ).  Or it can be used in a sentence. quoi – “what” quand – “when” où – “where” pourquoi – “why” comment – “how” The 2 Core French Interjections. Instead of reacting to a statement you didn’t hear with Quoi?, opt for Pardon ? Animals and plants can also have je-ne-sais-quoi, as you might have guessed. Je viens de recevoir un mail dans lequel on m'impose une évolution de mon forfait de 4.99€ à un forfait à 8.99€ au mois d'avril 2021. Dion also performed the song live during her historic performance in front of 250,000 spectators to celebrate Quebec's 400th anniversary, which was included on Céline sur les Plaines DVD in 2008. For example, here’s one my son often hears at nursery school and likes to repeat when I tease him: Maman, tu dis n’importe quoi. Notre service DPD Relais vous permet d’offrir plus de liberté à vos clients destinataires. Of course, je-ne-sais-quoi depends on your own opinions. (Are you stupid or what?) (Who’d have thought, Beauty fell in love with the Beast! Le terme « symbole … Se souvenir de moi Non recommandé sur les ordinateurs partagés. Français Interactif includes authentic, spoken French language via digital audio and video clips, a French grammar reference (Tex's French Grammar), self-correcting French grammar exercises, vocabulary and phonetics sections, … A quoi bon pleurer pour rien ? Example: Pourquoi aimes-tu le français ? Or he could ask about something we do: À quoi ça sert de se brosser les dents ? (Although she does sport every day, she can’t lose weight. En cas de doute, voyez Jean-Jacques MILAN J'ai vu qu'il y a un pilote Thunderbolt , je ne sais pas pk, je vais tester ayant 1 port USB C pour, mais il me semble que la Solo ait un port USB 2.0, malgré le connecteur type C. (What’s the point of getting married?) Je pense que Simon dit la vérité. Her fairy godmother has a lot of work to do!)Â. instead. Interjections are words that occur on their own as a kind of utterance. Je sais que ce site aidait beaucoup de monde dans leurs recherches généalogiques, je reçois régulièrement de témoignages en ce sens, pour vous je suis navré d'en arriver à fermer ce site mais j'ai autre chose à faire que de suppporter les crétineries d'une minorité qui n'a rien d'autre à faire dans la vie que de menacer ou insulter. Nonsense! Téléchargez nos catalogues. Actualités, bons plans et conseils sur la vie étudiante, la mode, le sport, la beauté et la culture Ne t'inquiète pas pour les conséquences de cette affaire ; tout vient à point à qui sait à attendre. Their association with the subjunctive just made them seem complicated and higher-level. ), What is this used for/What’s the use in…? This phrase literally means, “No but you’re not all right or what?” In other words, what’s your excuse for being so rude? Je ne parlerai pas des "ah mais oui, si tu ne tournes pas cette petite molette invisible là au 2/3 et 3/4 à gauche et que tu n'appuies pas sur le bouton caché ici en même temps que seuls les aficionados connaissent et se transmettent le secret avant de mourir, non ça ne démarrera pas!" Non – “no” Oui – “yes” The 22 Core French Nouns There are some words that just seem perfect. Connexion. It literally translates to, “No, but, hello, what!” Which doesn’t make sense, since she wasn’t trying to be heard on a phone. A dry and bright start before some showers quickly begin to develop, heavy and possibly thundery at times. expr expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." "On ne change pas" (meaning "We do not change" or "One does not change") is the third and last commercial single from Celine Dion's album, S'il suffisait d'aimer (1998). Catalogue des publications En cas de doute, voyez Jean-Jacques MILAN Â, What is this…/What are these… (usually in a negative or even disgusted way).  Example: C’est quoi ces godasses ? (What is a nail used for?) I have listened to this song a few times, and I enjoy it every time. S’inscrire. Je viens de recevoir un mail dans lequel on m'impose une évolution de mon forfait de 4.99€ à un forfait à 8.99€ au mois d'avril 2021. As you can see in this Oxford English dictionary entry, “what” is an outdated, informal way to emphasize a point, usually when you expect a person to agree with you.Â, You’ve probably seen an old-timey movie or read an old British book where someone said a phrase like, “Lovely day for a drive, what?” or something along those lines. I have listened to this song a few times, and I enjoy it every time. Let’s try to get a handle on this often surprising word.Â, On its own, quoi tends to be used in three main ways:Â, Note that when French people usually use quoi this way, it’s not neutral.  It’s typically an informal way to express incomprehension or astonishment – think “What?” or “What?!”. ), This is a common thing for French people to say when they’re exasperated or overwhelmed, although it could also be used if they’re simply listing something (this latter is especially common for children to do). Tex's French Grammar is the integral grammar component of Français Interactif, an online French course from the University of Texas at Austin. It’s also important to keep in mind that je-ne-sais-quoi doesn’t just apply to famous people.  You might have a friend, relative, love interest, neighbor, coworker, etc. [2] The single was released in selected European countries, reaching number 16 in Belgium Wallonia and number 17 in France. Ah yes. You can find many, many more phrases and expressions with quoi on the excellent list included here. You’ll usually hear it from young or lower-class people, or when someone is so angry that all propriety flies out the window. Here, quoi is used for emphasis.Â, For comparison, in American English, you would probably italicize “Hello!” You could also add a word, in some cases, like “um” at the start of the phrase. Mot de passe Obligatoire. (You want me to pay for your sister’s airplane ticket, pick her up at the airport – and then what? (What are you thinking about? is a very common phrase on TV, in the movies, and in everyday life in France. This phrase can be used on its own – for example, Les chevaux savent voler ? Other words and expressions have retained their written "Frenchness," a certain je ne sais quoi that does not extend to pronunciation, which has assumed English inflections. It’s more common, especially among younger generations and in an informal context, to hear something like, Tu fais quoi ce weekend ? 10,750 were here. www.sanslimitesn.com S'informer Pour Informer En tout cas, je constate que les attaches de l’ensemble ne sont pas fixées en usine de façon à ce qu’elles supportent les vibrations de la tondeuse. I don't think it would be a good idea to leave now. Quoi isn’t the prettiest word in French – at least not in my opinion – but when it comes to using it to express astonishment or outrage, there is nothing more satisfying. "On ne change pas" remains undercertified in France where it has sold over 235,800 copies and should be certified silver (125,000).[3]. ), Georges a gagné au loto ! You could translate the sentence Cette fille a un je-ne-sais-quoi qui la rend inoubliable as ‘This girl has a certain je-ne-sais-quoi that makes her unforgettable.’ Or, if you wanted to only use English words: ‘There’s something indefinable about this girl that makes her unforgettable.’. Note that while these are all commonly used in France today, and no one would bat an eye at your saying them, they may not always follow official grammar rules: What’s the point? /What’s the good in that? expr (je vais me venger de toi) (colloquial) Don't worry, you'll get yours! before. )  You’ll also often hear the phrase C’est du n’importe quoi ! Try to find out which is actually correct: Que faire? Préparer Cendrillon pour le bal ? The latter also included footage of Dion recording of this song in a bonus feature. Non – “no” Oui – … This version also features several scenes of Dion in the studio recording the song, as well as moments from her career. quoi – “what” quand – “when” où – “where” pourquoi – “why” comment – “how” The 2 Core French Interjections. Ultimately, if you want to sound formal and/or professional, if you’re writing anything other than a text message or email to a friend, or if you just want to be sure your French is shiny and perfect, avoid using quoi directly after a verb, with the exception of the common quoi expressions you’ll see later in this article. Ex : "J'écris une lettre". expr (je vais me venger de toi) (colloquial) Don't worry, you'll get yours! Catalogue des publications ).  Notice that it never directly follows a verb. Découvrez tous nos produits. Also the phrase the UK's then Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont chose to use to describe his feelings over the events of September 16, 1992 ('Black Wednesday'). A quoi ça sert is usually used for actual questions about the way things work. Je ne pense pas que ce soit une bonne idée de partir maintenant. The famous and often misunderstood je-ne-sais-quoi, Quoi que tu achètes, tu regretteras avoir dépensé de l’argent, Je dis n’importe quoi – c’est une blague. (Why do you like French? (There’s no reason to cry. Tu ne perds rien pour attendre ! (Mom, you’re talking nonsense. "On ne change pas" music video was directed by Gilbert Namiand (1999) and included later on Dion's On ne change pas DVD. Rude, racist and off-topic comments will be deleted. I would love to hear your thoughts about this article/lesson. L'actualité Lifestyle, découvrez nos conseils sorties, nos portraits et nos articles insolites, high tech, mode, beauté, culture, sport et automobile ! J'ai vu qu'il y a un pilote Thunderbolt 🤔, je ne sais pas pk, je vais tester ayant 1 port USB C pour, mais il me semble que la Solo ait un port USB 2.0, malgré le connecteur type C. – or, if he knows the name of the object, À quoi ça sert un clou ? Sa bonne fée a de quoi faire ! Any showers then progress eastwards in the afternoon meaning some drier and sunnier spells develop, particularly in the west. [4] Dion also performed this song during her Taking Chances World Tour in the city of Antwerp, Belgium in 2008, and her French concerts in 2017. (What are these (implied: ugly/ridiculous) shoes?).Â. 10,750 were here. It was released on 1 March 1999 in Francophone countries. "Compilation des succès par ordre alphabétique d'interprètes", "Les Meilleures Ventes "Tout Temps" de 45 T. / Singles / Téléchargement", "Céline une seule fois / Live 2013 (2CD+DVD/Blu-ray)", Ultratop.be – Céline Dion – On ne change pas", Lescharts.com – Céline Dion – On ne change pas", "Palmarès de la chanson francophone au Québec", Syndicat National de l'Édition Phonographique, "Rapports annuels 1999 - singles francophones", Quelqu'un que j'aime, quelqu'un qui m'aime, Et s'il n'en restait qu'une (je serais celle-là), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=On_ne_change_pas_(song)&oldid=1002231105, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 January 2021, at 12:58. Il y avait encore un autre genre de symboles… « Ne pas effeuiller une couronne », c'est-à-dire ne pas ruiner les lois, car elles sont la couronne des cités ; « Ne pas aller par la grand-route », en quoi il défendait de suivre l'opinion de la foule » [7]. En raison de diverses mises à jour dictées par l'évolution des connaissances et des techniques, la numérotation présente quelques irrégularités qui ne sont pas forcément des erreurs ! The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes. BUT language is a living thing, which means that everyday, real French speakers don’t always follow this rule, especially in spoken language. If you type “Ca sert à quoi de” into a search engine, you’ll also see questions like, “Ça sert à quoi de remercier le chauffeur ?” (What’s the point of thanking the bus driver?).Â. There are a few French interjections that are useful to know. When my father came to visit me in France a few years ago, he was proud that he at least knew some basic, polite French phrases. Example: Comme quoi, la belle est tombée amoureuse de la bête ! penser [qch] vtr verbe transitif: verbe qui s'utilise avec un complément d'objet direct (COD). Â, Danielle : Tu dis que tous les mecs du lycée veulent sortir avec toi, mais hier soir j’ai vu Maxence au cinéma…avec Lucille. En raison de diverses mises à jour dictées par l'évolution des connaissances et des techniques, la numérotation présente quelques irrégularités qui ne sont pas forcément des erreurs ! You’ll often hear a statement like, Ce mec est trop beau, quoi !  (“This guy is sooo hot, you know/what?”), If you’re looking for an equivalent in French, think n’est-ce pas?.Â. Accueil. 1jour1actu traduit et explique avec des mots simples l’info des adultes. Ne t'inquiète pas pour les conséquences de cette affaire ; tout vient à point à qui sait à attendre. "Elle a retrouvé son chat". For those of you don’t know (if you do, you don’t have to pay attention to this), the song is written and sung by Stromae, in French. Ideally, you should do this even with family, close friends, romantic partners, etc., since Pardon also sounds calmer and kinder in general (another hard lesson I learned). This phrase can stand alone, but is also often used with the infinitive of a verb, to mean “What’s the good in [verb]?”  For example:Â, Patricia : A quoi bon ? Accueil. colleague is talking about with regard to that claim. Tonight: Any remaining showers in the east soon die out to give a dry and clear night. (What’s the point in living?). Example: Tu es bête ou quoi ? "On ne change pas" (meaning "We do not change" or "One does not change") is the third and last commercial single from Celine Dion's album, S'il suffisait d'aimer (1998). It was released on 1 March 1999 in Francophone countries. than the grammatically correct Que fais-tu ce weekend ? Tu ne perds rien pour attendre ! 1jour1actu, le premier site quotidien d'infos pour les enfants à partir de 8 ans. ), – Quoiqu’elle fasse du sport chaque jour, elle n’arrive pas à perdre du poids. A word of warning: Be very careful how you pronounce this phrase. expr expression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." This means that when you want to learn how to speak and write French like a bona fide French person, there are no hard and fast answers. Example: Tu veux que je paye le billet d’avion de ta sœur, que j’aille la recuperer à l’aeroport, et puis quoi encore ? At a shop in my neighborhood, he bought a souvenir. Pseudo ou adresse de courriel Obligatoire. You can read about her adventures here, or feel free to stop by her website. je ne regrette rien "I regret nothing" (from the title of a popular song sung by Édith Piaf: Non, je ne regrette rien). Since it’s so common, it’s essential to understand and know how to use quoi in order to speak even basic French. 1jour1actu, le premier site quotidien d'infos pour les enfants à partir de 8 ans. Quoi may not be a word most non-French speakers know, but many of them have probably heard the phrase je-ne-sais-quoi before. S’inscrire. (I’m talking nonsense – it’s a joke.). Vous n’avez pas de compte ? Vous n’avez pas de compte ? [1] It was written and produced by Jean-Jacques Goldman. Mot de passe Obligatoire. The explanations here and here are the best concise ones I could find, and even certain points they make could be disputed. But when it’s a hyphenated phrase-turned-masculine-singular-noun, in French and English, je-ne-sais-quoi means a certain appeal or charm that you can’t quite explain. A dry and bright start before some showers quickly begin to develop, heavy and possibly thundery at times. A live version of "On ne change pas" appeared on the Au cœur du stade album and DVD. "In French, Larousse calls je ne sais quoi " a thing one wouldn't know how to define but whose existence is understood intuitively." In English, if you didn’t hear someone, simply saying “What?” would be considered informal or even rude, and the same goes for quoi. Se souvenir de moi Non recommandé sur les ordinateurs partagés. or Quoi faire? UPDATE: In the comments at the end of this article, Kyle made a really good suggestion – you can also think of “quoi” as an equivalent of “innit?”/ “isn’t it?” – bearing in mind, of course, that you would only translate quoi as “innit” if the person saying it would be a lower class or young person. I don't think it would be a good idea to leave now. It was written and produced by Jean-Jacques Goldman Je m'attendais à ce qu'elle permette encore + de marge, mais apparemment c'est à attendre des interfaces USB d'être limitées là-dessus (5Volt-1A..). This said, Ça sert à quoi is often used interchangeably with A quoi ça sert. Dion's only appearances in the video are in the form of photographs taken of her with her grade-school class at age eight. Le terme « symbole » … Ça sert à quoi de vivre? To have a lot of work to do/have a lot to keep one occupied. N’importe quoi ! In Quebec, "On ne change pas" entered the chart on 27 February 1999, topped it for six weeks and spent fifty-one weeks there in total. Je m'attendais à ce qu'elle permette encore + de marge, mais apparemment c'est à attendre des interfaces USB d'être limitées là-dessus (5Volt-1A..). Mot de passe oublié ? On the other hand, black and white shorthair Princess Cheeto’s Tumblr account catches our eye, and not just because of its colors and slick graphic design: Princess Cheeto herself has a quirky, unforgettable face, a certain charm – je-ne-sais-quoi.  At least, in my opinion she does. For example, my son might find something he’s never seen before and ask, A quoi ca sert? As in English, this is an informal expression.

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