Alaska’s governor wants the state to cut ties with banks who shun Arctic oil drilling. The US government acknowledged the importance of the area along the Southern Beaufort Sea by declaring it a Wildlife Refuge decades ago. Drilling in the refuge’s harsh and unforgiving terrain is difficult and expensive, and few energy companies are clamoring to drill in an era increasingly turning towards green energy. 0 have signed. Keep our coasts permanently off-limits to oil and gas drilling. recipient: President, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, And the EPA. The experts at the IEA clearly say that a complete transformation of energy production, transportation and consumption must be made and planning of … The Arctic is home to vulnerable wildlife populations . Drilling in the Arctic Refuge is an unpopular … We cannot allow oil and gas drilling in this region. Let’s get to 5,000! US and Canada prevent oil drilling in Arctic waters. Join us in demanding that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge be protected from oil drilling. The Arctic refuge’s coastal plain is one of the United States’ most iconic symbols of conservation and at the core of one of the highest-profile fights over climate and environmental justice. Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Act (H.R. The Trump Administration is currently planning to auction off sections of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, on January 6th of 2021, for oil drilling this will overturn 6 decades of protection! According to energy blog FuelFix , oil … “The Gwich’in have been fighting for decades to protect the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, known to them as “Iizhik Gwats’an Gwandaii Goodlit” (The Sacred Place Where Life Begins). recipient: oil companies. Environmental groups filed a lawsuit in federal court today challenging the Trump administration’s decision to allow oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Statoil announced that it could be drilling as early as 2015, though ConocoPhillips suspended plans to drill in the Arctic in 2014. If the people in Congress are capable of making good choices for climate change, then that would be very beneficial. Two weeks ago, I touched on a topic that is a bit heated and controversial right now, and that is… allowing oil drilling and fracking in the arctic. The Arctic Refuge has been a place undisturbed by development. stop Oil Drilling In The Artic. Greenpeace ships have confronted oil companies at sea, with activists occupying oil rigs to stop them heading to the Arctic. by: Emanuel. And millions of Greenpeace supporters came together to stop Shell drilling for oil in the Arctic and forced Shell to abandon its plans. They claimed that Shell was not prepared for a spill, with the nearest port to their drilling location over a thousand nautical miles away. Deadline Dec. 17th. Drilling for more oil and gas in the Arctic is not compliant with the Paris Agreement to keep global temperature rise to less than 1.5°C. In 2016, they accounted for more than 21% of global CO2 emissions. Stop Drilling in the Arctic Ocean. 544) The Arctic Ocean is one of the most pristine and fragile places left on the planet. Populations of whales, polar bears, seabirds and walrus are all increasingly vulnerable to the Arctic’s changing climate. In 2013, he was a leading figure in the campaign to free the Arctic … Mina Banat started this petition to The Trump Administration. The myth of economic benefits. And tapping oil on federal lands is a multiphase thing, with administrative decisions needed around leasing plans, issuance of drilling permits and more. Obama made the move under an obscure provision of a 1953 law with no way for future presidents to roll it back. The Trump administration held the refuge’s first lease sale Jan. 6, following a 2017 decision by Congress to open the area to drilling. In 2016, President Obama permanently ended oil and gas leasing in parts of the Atlantic and Arctic … The costs of drilling for oil in the Arctic don’t make sense. Tues 12/8: Two actions to defend the Arctic Refuge from oil drilling! But in 2017 lawmakers approved opening the Coastal Plain of the Refuge to allow for oil and gas drilling. Stop Trump from oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. We encourage him to take immediate, decisive action to halt any oil and gas development activities from moving forward in the Arctic Refuge. Photo: Art Sowls/USFWS. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge includes eighteen major rivers, hundreds of species of birds, land and marine mammals, and fish. Thirty people spent two months in a Russian prison for challenging Gazprom’s Arctic ambitions. Alaska Gov. Organizations working to prevent drilling in the refuge have warned corporations that pursuing oil and gas in the Arctic Refuge is fraught with risk. Drilling is, as the name suggests, a process of extracting oil and gas as well through drilling into the earth. Mike Dunleavy speaks during an event on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S. on Thursday, July 16, 2020. They informed insurers, “The environmental, social and governance factors linked with oil and gas development exposes your company to unnecessary reputational, legal and financial risk. Biden immediately slams brakes on oil drilling in Arctic refuge . Energy industry experts are now looking at the economics of drilling for oil in Alaska's Arctic Wildlife Refuge. In solidarity with groups fighting to protect the refuge, many U.S. banks have announced they would not directly fund oil and gas drilling in the Arctic, further limiting potential interest in the area. Our earth’s climate is already fragile enough and there’s no reason to make it worse. On February 22, 2015, the Obama administration passed the first-ever federal oil regulations to secure safe drilling in the Arctic, but it isn’t enough to save even just a small fraction of what could possibly be lost there. January 20, 2021 by Tegan Hanlon, Alaska's Energy Desk - Anchorage. In 2010, he led the first Greenpeace expedition to challenge Arctic oil drilling off the Greenland coast. Fracking is when liquid is injected into the rock formation in the earth at a high pressure in order to extract oil or gas. Here are five reasons why US federal waters in the Arctic should remain closed to new drilling for oil and gas—for good. Overall, oil drilling in the Arctic should never, and I repeat never, happen. We face a climate emergency and need to stop oil drilling, and that’s why we are peacefully protesting today,” added Greenpeace Norway head, Frode Pleym. In February 2012, Greenpeace launched an initiative to stop Royal Dutch Shell’s oil drilling project in the Arctic Ocean. 3 Reasons Why Shell Halted Drilling In the Arctic “We had hoped for more,” Shell official says of the well it drilled. House panel votes to stop oil drilling in Arctic refuge. Tell Congress To Help Stop Oil Drilling in the Arctic Refuge In its waning days, the Trump administration sold off vast stretches of Alaska’s pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling, which would be devastating for our climate, the land, and the Gwich’in people who depend on the Refuge. Don't let the oil industry drill in its icy waters without an effective way to clean up a spill! It is home to an array of endangered species, including polar bears and bowhead whales, and provides subsistence resources for Native communities in Alaska. Greenpeace's assertion that the drilling industry is unprepared, in fact unable, to clean up a major Arctic oil spill is resoundingly seconded by scientists. The fight over drilling centers on 1.5 million acres in the refuge’s coastal plain, which is believed to contain the largest onshore reserves of oil in North America that remain untapped. The Trump administration recently gave the final go-ahead to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which by the end of 2020 would authorize the sale of two separate 400,000-acre oil and gas leases, encompassing a major portion of the refuge’s coastal plain and 8 percent of the 19.3 million-acre Refuge. Also if this is allowed it’ll make an irreversible impact on our planet. How it works: "[P]laintiffs will almost certainly seek a preliminary injunction in court to stop any sale from going forward. Arctic states currently have some of the world’s largest carbon footprints. By Rebecca Beitsch - 05/01/19 03:00 PM EDT . “Drilling for oil in the Arctic while the region melts faster than ever is complete madness. The Stop Arctic Ocean Drilling Act would make the Arctic Ocean off-limits to any future drilling proposals by prohibiting any new or renewed leases for the exploration, development, or production of oil, natural gas or any other minerals in the Arctic Ocean Planning Areas of the Outer Continental Shelf. Dear Emanuel, Huge colonies of Thick-billed Murres nest and feed on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. The state does business with several major banks that have adopted policy against financing Arctic oil development. The report titled “Net Zero by 2050” makes it even harder for oil producing countries to justify the expansion of their fossil energy sectors.

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