This is why it is important to keep your bandages dry and clean at all times, especially at night. But, the good news is that several tried and tested techniques can be followed to achieve blissful nights as long as you’re willing to put in the effort. How To Sleep Comfortably After Meniscus Surgery 1. Studies have shown a positive relationship between essential oils and sleep. Additionally, you should rest your leg and avoid any strenuous activity during the first few days so you don't injure it. Knowing how to sleep after meniscus surgery is essential. The first step to achieving blissful nights after the procedure is to figure out the right position to sleep. This is especially important during the first few … This may not only stifle the recovery process but can aggravate the pain in the incision site. Both your ACL and menisci play crucial roles in supporting your knee and allowing for full mobility. But if they don’t work, you may need surgery. Meniscus surgery is the surgical reconstruction or removal of a torn meniscus from your knee. That way, they can see how much you are recovering. Take Pain Medications. As a natural side or stomach sleeper, there’ll always be the temptation to accidentally roll over onto your favorite position during the night. After the first two weeks, you can sleep without the brace if you prefer. Chances are, it will heal on its own. It all depends on the extent to which the injury is likely to heal on its own. Since meniscus surgery patients spend a lot of time in bed even during the day, adjustable beds can offer deeper relaxation whether you’re catching a TV show or reading. Many return to normal activities within six to eight weeks. You are NOT to bend your knee past 90 degrees for the first month after surgery. Many arthroscopy patients have reported massive results from following the hacks shared here and there’s nothing to stop you from getting similar results. If you are to take medications to relieve pain, you must check with your … Not every meniscus surgery is the same. This is because it receives a poor blood supply, and it couldn’t heal on its own. High levels of noise can be an active sleep inhibitor whether you’re recovering from surgery or not. You may not be able to try all of our remedies at once so just pick a couple of your favorite to practice each night. After meniscus tear surgery, you may have to wear a brace or cast to keep your knee stable. What a good night’s sleep is. These bases may come in different styles but they’re universally designed to move into different positions by raising the leg and foot sections. Here are the Solutions for You. The discomfort can be extremely disturbing during that period which may lead to severe insomnia at bedtime. encourages healthy circulation, which helps keep pain and swelling in check. While the pain is bearable at first, the inflammation will start, and that’s where you can’t already bear it. Here are a few ways to get a quality shuteye after arthroscopic surgery. Yet again, the success of your surgery depends on how you take care of yourself. Follow these tips on how to Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Just before jumping into bed, check the bandages to make sure everything is intact. But to make sure you will not have an allergic reaction, get approval first. 1) Sleep on back with elevated leg. But a traditional bed can work too as long as you’re ready to improvise. Fortunately, even complete beginners can study and master the art of meditation from the comfort of their homes. However, if it is the inner portion that needs to be treated, surgery might be required. The trick is to lie on the side with the “good leg” while placing pillows between the legs to prevent friction. It features breathable fabric with thick padding for the ultimate comfort throughout the night. Just try to think of ways on how you can sleep soundly at night so you can recover the fastest possible time. They act like cushions between your femur and tibia (thigh bone and shin bone) and help you balance your weight on your knees. In short, how to sleep well. After … Walking, standing, stair climbing, etc… are not good for the knee for the first week after surgery so don’t walk or stand anymore than is necessary until the discomfort and swelling from the procedure are gone. How to Go to Sleep - The Best Evening Routine. If you decide to sleep in a traditional bed, be sure to place the legs on a leg elevator pillow to enhance blood flow to the region of the surgery. The good news is that support stockings are readily available in pharmacies, supermarkets, and online. Proper breathing means you take deep breaths. When you need rest, your body triggers a fatigue response to encourage you to sleep. Most people can walk with crutches soon after meniscus surgery. Nonetheless, if you clean your bandages before your sleep, it could keep you away from infection and give you good sleep Slightly elevate your legs above a pillow while you sleep Rollover to … It’s recommended that you apply ice periodically throughout the day. if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiptopsleep_com-leader-2-0')}; This zero gravity chair is made for outdoors, which tells us how durable the quality is. Surgery may be necessary to correct the injury. However, they can offer some respite post-surgery as you look for better ways to snooze naturally. Sleep on your back, with legs elevated. Many forms of meditation can distract the patient’s brain from focusing on the post-surgery discomfort. It is highly recommended for everyone with sleep troubles. In that case, you can buy noise-cancelling. Step inside the operating with Kenneth Krumins, M.D., for a meniscus repair surgery. No wonder meditation has proven to be an effective tool for eliminating or at least reducing the discomfort associated with recovering from meniscus surgery. It was one of the major secrets during recovery. Perhaps, you are interested if you can already work after your meniscus surgery. Do you wear a brace after meniscus surgery? The last thing you want is to wake up to blood-stained bedsheets in the middle of the night... 2. Sleep on your back with the leg slightly elevated. Useful Tips From Experts In How To Sleep After Meniscus Surgery? After surgery to fix your meniscus, you must limit movement for up to 2 weeks. What you can do is place a pillow in between your knees. How To Sleep Comfortably After Meniscus Surgery. It is one of the simplest position for patients who’s surgery is done. Sleep on your back with the leg slightly elevated This is especially important during the first few days after meniscus surgery. And at the same time, it could lessen the pain. Note that zero-gravity recliner chairs are the best option for post-meniscus surgery recovery thanks to the unique design that suspends the body in a neutral posture so the feet can be properly aligned with the heart. 4. Sleep quality can be affected by so many factors, including the amount of caffeine you consume and the tidiness of a bedroom. Not only is there evidence of Lavender, Bergamot, Valerian Root, and other essential oils making it easier to nod off but they can also improve the quality of sleep as well. I had meniscus tear removal surgery, it’s been a 10 days of my surgery. Skip Rehab. After any kind of surgery, choosing the right sleeping position is crucial to ensure a timely recovery. The warm bathing water can cause an initial spike in your body temperature which eventually cools down quickly leading to deeper relaxation and faster sleeping afterward. Okay, you’re right, a lot of people do like sleep. If you’ve always preferred stomach or side sleeping, adopting this position, even if temporarily, can set you on the path towards quick healing. It enhances blood flow to the world surrounding the meniscus that means … You can also use ice to alleviate pain and swelling. A knee immobilizer holds the knee fully extended, while a hinged knee brace can allow for controlled motion of the knee. . Here’s a video that can answer you. Here’s a good brand that has been helping many patients. How long after meniscus surgery will I be able to walk, exercise and work? We do understand that there are distractions that could be out of your control. However, getting a good night’s rest is essential for faster recovery. Remember, the operated leg should always be elevated before applying ice during the first 72 hours after surgery. Here are a few things to remember to ensure that you sleep without aggravating your knee. It has a 200-pound weight capacity but is lightweight. Additionally, zero-gravity recliners allow surgery patients to experience a weightless sensation for tension release and deeper relaxation. Knee exercises must begin 24 hours after the procedure. This is a critical step you must never skip before you sleep. This might seem like an odd tip, but breathing exercises could help patients who couldn’t sleep properly right after the surgery. Sleeperholic is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Also, speak to your doctor for permission before taking other medications. After your surgery, you need to get as much rest as you can to recover well. Are you struggling to sleep after undergoing meniscus surgery? You need to make sure that the dressing around your surgery is in place. This can be a difficult and uncomfortable task, but with the use of the Memory Foam Knee Pillow, it’s definitely more comfortable and more doable. I hope you share the same interest as me, and enjoy reading everything about sleep. When part of the meniscus is trimmed, it is a meniscectomy. The good news is, you can sleep on your side, but make sure it’s the non-surgery one. Dry and Clean Bandages. First of all, you have to stay away from doing intense activities. What can you not do after meniscus surgery? More often than not, you will be an outpatient, and you could go home a few hours after. How to Sleep After Meniscus Surgery? Just try to think of ways on how you can sleep soundly at night so you can recover the fastest possible time. You can just toss it to your machine and use it again at night time. Compression can be another important remedy for anyone struggling to sleep after undergoing surgery in the meniscus region. It’s best if you sleep with your knee raised, but make sure that it isn’t bent. Keep both legs elevated. Your healthcare provider may recommend low-impact activities rather than high-impact (such as walking rather than running). My interest lies in the “theoretical part”. The sweet-smelling aromas of the oils offer rapid mind calming and relaxation. This can reduce the risk of infections or bleeding while protecting the injury site from additional physical trauma such as accidental collision with the other leg. You must follow the prescription and how you are to administer the medications. Remember, pain relief and mental relaxation are the keys to enjoying restful nights during the recovery period. Putting physical barriers such as stacked up pillows on each side of the body during sleep may be the best move. Check if it is still free from moisture so that you can prevent infection. Here are a few ways to get a quality shuteye after arthroscopic surgery.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sleeperholic_com-box-3-0')}; The last thing you want is to wake up to blood-stained bedsheets in the middle of the night after any type of surgery. Many ACL patients find that they adjust their sleeping position to what feels most comfortable, depending on how their knee feels that day.Throughout your healing process, you may learn that some days are better than others. When we say meniscus, this refers to the crescent-shaped area of cartilage which is located above your tibia. Sleeping proves to be difficult after surgery. And from there, they could provide adjustments and appropriate recommendations. This can prevent the formation of blood clots while reducing the swelling and improving blood supply to the affected area. If you live in a city center apartment, consider putting on noise-canceling headphones to mute background noises for undisturbed shuteye. This position is ideal because you can avoid bumping the incision site, resulting in bleeding and even infection. Note:-Keep legs elevated however not bend . Hello, my name is Gabriel and I LOVE to sleep. Your meniscus can be repaired or it can be removed. What breathing exercises do is promote good circulation. Rest when you feel tired. Patients are usually advised to used crutches for a few days and to take it easy for 10 to 14 days, but most can increase activity levels at their own pace after that if they do not experience any pain. General anesthesia puts a patient to sleep, so he doesn’t feel or remember the surgery. In this post, let’s discuss an important question –, Amazon Basics Outdoor Zero Gravity Lounge Folding Chair, We do understand that there are distractions that could be out of your control. Now, when you have a torn meniscus, this could be extremely painful when you don’t seek medical attention right away. However, if the meniscus tear is away from the blood supply and has been longstanding, it may take a long time to recover. In most meniscus repair cases the brace is recommended for the first 6 weeks after surgery. The result is lower levels of pain if any at all and resultant benefits such as decreased anxiety and better sleep. Your condition will aggravate if you keep on participating in high-intensity activities. To heal after arthroscopic knee surgery, try to elevate your leg on pillows while resting, which will help with your blood circulation. amazon and the amazon logo are trademarks of, inc. or its affiliates." These medicines stimulate deep relaxation and sleep thanks to the effects of a chemical known as antihistamines. If you notice any signs of bleeding, redress the wound quickly, and apply clean bandages to reduce the risk of infections.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sleeperholic_com-medrectangle-3-0')};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sleeperholic_com-medrectangle-3-0_1')}; .medrectangle-3-multi-119{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:0px !important;margin-right:0px !important;margin-top:15px !important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Most of the time, rest, ice, and pain meds are enough to help you feel better. Rehabilitation plan after a meniscus operation . We’ve outlined the reasons why sleeping on the back can be so essential even if it sounds like a scary proposition for long-term side and stomach sleepers. Recovery time from a partial meniscectomy (partial removal of the meniscus) is quicker than recovery from a meniscus repair. Many people who encountered injuries swore that this is ‘The One’, and we perfectly understood why. For those who have strenuous occupations, the recovery time may be up to 6 … Generally, after meniscus surgery, the main advise is to sleep on your back with your leg slightly elevated, for instance with a pillow underneath. Think about a stabilizer or a shock absorber where it can also reduce the friction every time your knee moves. This can prevent the formation of blood clots while reducing the swelling and improving blood supply to the affected area. Sleep with your knee raised, … The improvements to your sleep can be magical. Most people who live in city center apartments or close to major highways report getting little to no sleep thanks to the unbearable noise at night.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sleeperholic_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')}; A quiet bedroom environment can be a great way to nod off quickly when recovering from meniscus surgery. But I still fell pain and stiffness I still have stitches. Also, always keep the leg above the level of the heart to reduce the swelling quickly while numbing the discomfort felt in the site of the incision. But my passion is actually not sleeping. Getting enough sleep will help you recover. Do not go for long walks or stand on your feet for extended periods of time. Upon awakening in the recovery room, patients are placed in a knee brace. When I wake up during the night it hurts to put weight but after a few steps the pain is a bit less. As with any procedure, knowing what to expect after meniscus surgery is crucial when deciding whether to pursue this treatment. Knee rehabilitation after a meniscus surgery should begin immediately. A meniscus tear is a common knee injury. If you … Rest is essential to the healing process and can be the key to beating the surgeon’s recovery estimates. Whether you’ve always enjoyed 8 hours of sleep in the past or used to only 5-6 hours of shuteye, this may be the time to dig in and get as much rest as possible. But before we address that, let’s talk more about the operation. This may not only rob you of the ability to nod off again but the fear of suffering a repeat can create mental scars that may increase anxiety levels every time you want to sleep. Be sure to cover the bandages with a sheet of plastic tape to keep the wound dry while lowering the risk of infections. Ice can be a great way to reduce post-meniscus surgical pain to enhance the chances of better snoozing during the night. It is easy to assemble even among complete beginners and ships with an adjustable base and 12-inch mattress.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sleeperholic_com-leader-2-0')}; Sure, recliners and adjustable beds can be effective for anyone that needs to lie down on the back without interruptions. The meniscus in the inner side of your knee is the medial meniscus and on the outer side of your knee is … When the meniscus is fixed with sutures, it is a meniscus repair. For example, if you live in an urban area, the noise could be 24/7. What to Expect After Meniscus Surgery. In that case, you can buy noise-cancelling headphone or earplugs. Surgery isn’t always the first recommendation, most especially if the meniscus tear is small and occurred on the outer portion of your knee. The recovery period varies from person to person. The FlexiKold Gel Ice Pack from Amazon is my go-to remedy to seek relief from pain and swelling after suffering injury or undergoing surgery. The seat is tall for excellent alignment of the hips and spine for correct posture. have shown a positive relationship between essential oils and sleep. During meniscus surgery, a surgeon uses a small camera, called an arthroscope, to view the inside of the patient’s knee joint. The use of ice in the initial days after ACL reconstruction and meniscus repair surgery helped keep the swelling and pain to a minimum, but still, sleep didn’t come easy! Kindly use an antiseptic solution every night to clean your wounds. Most of the time, rest, ice, and pain meds are enough to help you feel better. I personally use the Body Quiet Meditation Cushion with Accupressure For Stress Relief from Amazon for Meditation and Yoga exercises. Other common symptoms are swelling, stiffness, and difficultly moving your knee. If necessary, change it before you go to sleep. This means zero pressure on my back, knees, and ankles for superior comfort and longer, pain-free meditation and yoga sessions. The first day after ACL reconstruction surgery meant the first day of my rehab journey began. This is why medical experts recommend placing ice or cold packs on the surgery site for up to 20 minutes every couple of hours. Drifting off to sleep may be the last thing on your mind during the first couple of nights after undergoing meniscus surgery or arthroscopy. Essential oils may be applied in a variety of ways including:if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sleeperholic_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')}; The Ultimate Aromatherapy Diffuser and Essential Oil Set from Amazon offered me the ultimate degree of relaxation to fall asleep while recovering from meniscus surgery. Back Sleeping: Lying down on the back with the legs elevated is the best position for arthroscopy surgery patients. This will cause swelling and pain. Here are a few things to keep in mind about the recovery process for meniscus surgery: – Most patients are on crutches for only 1 or 2 days after surgery on the meniscus. A quiet bedroom environment can be a great way to nod off quickly when recovering from meniscus surgery. link to How to Go to Sleep - The Best Evening Routine, link to Can't Sleep at Night? It stays colder for longer compared with rival products. If you’ve always preferred stomach or side sleeping, adopting this position, even if temporarily, can set you on the path towards quick healing. I’m available to walk and bear weight without crutches. Fortunately, the product we shared above allows you to do this comfortably. Once that time elapses, warm showers or baths can be a great way to enhance sleep at night especially during humid weather. If you want to take a nap, this could be a good option. However, for a more complex meniscus … Lay down on your back . The uncertainty surrounding surgery can increase the pain experienced after the procedure. We’re honored to share the tips and tricks that can offer superior sleep after meniscus surgery. Typically, following a simple repair, the patient can return to work to after approximately 6 – 8 weeks following surgery. Read more in our privacy policy. Luckily, there are things you can include or exclude from your evening... Can't Sleep at Night? Check the latest price on Amazon. No wonder meditation has proven to be an effective tool for eliminating or at least reducing the discomfort associated with recovering from meniscus surgery.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sleeperholic_com-banner-1-0')}; This ancient-old practice may involve taking deep breaths as well as visualizing yourself in environments that can bring peace and calm to the mind. All you have to do is log onto YouTube and follow any of the Mindfulness Meditation videos uploaded. The uncertainty surrounding surgery can increase the pain experienced after the procedure.

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