The Gaza strip has been under an Israeli-Egyptian blockade since 2007. Gaza blockade responsible for $16B in economic damage, UN agency says Palestinian garbage collectors load packed jerry cans onto a donkey-cart at a landfill in Gaza City on July 29, 2019. The current poverty rate stands at over 80 percent – up from 39 percent in 2011. Chronic Shortfalls and the 2018 U.S. Aid Cutoff, The relatively strong performance of the UN COVID-19 appeal belies the recent history of donor funding for Gaza. This warning has … The PA also refused to receive additional applications for medical exit permits. Refugees International advocates for lifesaving assistance, human rights, and protection for displaced people and promotes solutions to displacement crises. [ix] Phone interview with a journalist in Gaza, 25 June 2020. Under any circumstances, social distancing in the enclave would be a formidable challenge. [ii] Phone interviews with representatives of international and Palestinian NGOs and UNRWA, journalists and activists in Gaza, June-July 2020. In general, Israel and Egypt should commit to freedom of movement for Gazans, and, in particular, relax movement restrictions on Gazans who are playing a key role in promoting key humanitarian objectives—particularly medical personnel, teachers, key service providers, and seeking professional training and advancement in these sectors. [xiv] Phone Interviews with representatives of UNRWA and INGOs and NGOs in Gaza, June-July 2020. Smoke rises after an Israeli missile strike rocks Gaza City on 11 May. In recent months, concerns over annexation peaked when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a plan to formally annex 30 percent of the West Bank’s Area C. In response, in May, the PA ended all agreements signed between the PLO and Israel. We don’t have an airport nor a seaport, which made monitoring all movements much easier.”[ix] However, as the virus reaches local communities inside the Strip, greater measures should be implemented to mitigate its potential outbreak. 48-49 Gaza on the Ground By Mohammed Omer. In June, the Hamas government put an end to the state of emergency and re-opened non-essential facilities. However, the normalization arrangement has been followed by increased tension between the PA and Israel, and this does not bode well for those in Gaza in need of humanitarian assistance. Gaza and the West Bank are claimed by the de jure sovereign State of Palestine. Prolonged power cuts, which in turn affected access to the Internet, made virtual learning extremely challenging. By early September, containing the virus seemed increasingly difficult, with the number of positive cases inside Gaza reaching 1,024 as of September 8.[viii]. Wafa News Agency stated that Israeli F-16 … Gazans not only face grave and direct risks resulting from further exposure to COVID-19, but from the virus’ economic shocks that could dramatically impact their already limited access to critical supplies and services. This included the ending of coordination procedures to allow medical exit permit holders to leave Gaza through the Erez crossing. The 1992 Oslo peace agreement between the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Israel divided the West Bank into 3 areas: Areas A, B, and C. Area C, comprising more than 60 percent of the West Bank, was placed under Israeli military control, awaiting its returning to a full Palestinian control. In addition, UNRWA redesigned its food program, which benefits 1.1 million people, switching from collective distribution centers to a home delivery model. Like the economy, Gaza’s healthcare system has suffered significantly under the blockade. Both teleworking and tele-education have put additional strains on Gaza’s infrastructure. In its 22 health centers, the Agency separated people with respiratory illnesses from people with other illnesses. The population in Gaza is living a double quarantine. Elections. Israel's blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip has cost the seaside territory as much as $16.7 billion in economic losses and caused its poverty and unemployment rates to skyrocket, a U.N. report said Wednesday, as it called on Israel to lift … A journalist in Gaza explained, “For once, the siege played in our advantage. More than 70 percent of Gaza’s residents are registered with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). In a small workshop at his humble home in the refugee camp of Nuseirat south of Gaza, amidst scattered pieces of electronic boards, wires and plastic cans, mechatronic engineer Mohammad Saidam works for long hours daily to invent devices that can benefit his people during the pandemic. Some donor countries have stepped in to fill some of the funding shortfall, including countries in Europe and the Gulf. Gaza Strip, territory along the Mediterranean Sea just northeast of the Sinai Peninsula. Bilal al Omri provides hot drinks to customers at his beach cafe in Gaza on Christmas Day 2019. Israel’s blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip has cost the seaside territory as much as $16.7 billion in economic losses and sent poverty and … Over the years, the blockade has deepened poverty in Gaza. In this file photo taken on April 28, 2020 A Palestinians man walks past a mural depicting the coronavirus and a prison cell, in Gaza City during the … Gaza Strip access and movement | October 2020 ... Gaza Blockade. Humanitarian workers report a noticeable increase of gender-based and other forms of violence, as well as depression, drug use, and self-harm. In addition, a chronic shortage of humanitarian funds, exacerbated by United States funding cuts since 2018, has made access to some of the most basic services a challenge. JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip has cost the seaside territory as much as US$16.7 billion in economic losses and sent poverty and unemployment skyrocketing, a UN report said Wednesday, as it called on Israel to lift the closure. [iv] Finally, humanitarian organizations provided a wide range of non-food items and continued support through the provision of food and other services in the quarantine facilities. Reconstruction efforts have been complicated by the blockade and by construction permits’ delays or denials. Israel then makes payments to the PA. We did not have to deal with the same challenges faced by the rest of the world. The Agency and its international and Palestinian partners play an essential role in providing food, water, shelter, healthcare, education, and even jobs for a largely destitute population. Mahmoud Shalabi of the health charity Medical Aid for Palestinians said in November that Gaza’s health ministry “currently only has a capacity of 1,300 liters of oxygen per minute while they are in need of 3,000.” Of the nearly 95,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Gaza Strip since March 2020, almost 19,000 are currently active. 21 Aug 2020 Gaza’s MCA … According to the head of the General Federation of Trade Unions in Gaza, between mid-March and mid-July, nearly 4,000 people in Gaza lost their jobs, at least 50 factories closed their doors, and more than 10,000 taxi drivers have seen a large reduction in their income. And by late July, life was virtually back to normal with only some slight COVID-19 preventive measures to be seen in the Strip. Gaza Could Become 'Uninhabitable' by 2020, UN Report Warns . Additionally, the Hamas government prepared centers for quarantine, isolation, and treatment. We did not have unchecked travelers who spread the virus among people. Fishing fleet concerned after Jersey blockade By Helen Bowditch News Published: May 7, 2021 Last Updated: May 7, 2021 GUERNSEY fishermen have urged local authorities not to surrender their historic fishing rights, as Brexit found a frontline in Jersey yesterday with dozens of French fishing boats involved in a show of strength off St Helier. In recent years, funding has fallen due to a “growing donors’ fatigue especially as the situation doesn’t change and the economy has no capacity to regenerate itself.”[xix]. In the wake of the so-called Operation Protective Edge (the 2014 Gaza war), Israel eased but did not completely lift the blockade. [v] However, shortages remain, and in the event of a local outbreak, Gaza will need a significant increase of ventilators, PPE, and testing kits. Donor countries should prioritize funding of the medical sector, including the provision of medical equipment and supplies, and professional trainings and specialization. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. However, Israeli approvals of these permits remain limited. However, limited funding is hindering the ability to upgrade mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services, despite the ever-increasing need for it. The restrictions, combined with periodic hostilities and a lack of funding, have contributed to the decay of medical infrastructure and shortages of drugs, equipment, supplies, and personnel. For the past 13 years, these restrictions have worn out the Strip’s population, its infrastructure and healthcare sector—and the population’s capacity to address fundamental shocks such as the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the conference was only “a partial success,” said UNRWA’s Director in Gaza, as the pledges reached nearly 50 percent of the Agency’s core funding. Information remains largely anecdotal. Israel has contributed to this deliberately Gaza 2020: How easy it is for the world to … However, Gulf contributions remain unpredictable. Palestinians in Gaza are ‘locked in’, denied free access to the remainder of the occupied Palestinian territory and the outside world. In 2012 the UN issued a report warning that Gaza would become unlivable by 2020 unless fundamental change was made and Gaza was given open access to the outside world. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, nearly 80 percent of private sector workers receive less than half the 1,450 Israeli Shekel (approximately $430) minimum monthly wage. Gulf country pledges to UNRWA’s Program budget reached nearly $200 million in 2018, but significantly dropped the next year to less than half. Group floating incendiary balloons into Israel says it’s a form of pressure on Israel to lift devastating Gaza blockade. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, nearly 80 percent of private sector workers receive less than half the 1,450 Israeli Shekel (approximately $430) minimum monthly wage. • Many students have not paid tuition fees. More than two thirds of Gaza’s population are unable to provide the minimum requirements for a decent living and largely rely on humanitarian assistance. In March and until the end of May, the Hamas government imposed strict measures, such as prohibiting social gatherings, and closing mosques, wedding halls, restaurants, coffee shops, and all non-essential businesses. Gaza 2020: Worsening conditions lead more Palestinians to take their own lives Gaza Siege ‘Split in half’: Gaza mother's years-long wait to reunite with her children in West Bank With no further delay, and until the Palestinian Authority resumes the coordination of medical exit permits, the WHO, with the cooperation of Palestinian and Israeli authorities, should immediately begin to facilitate the transfer of patients’ documentation to Israeli and Palestinian officials to ensure Gazans’ access to life-saving healthcare. [x] Phone interviews with residents in Gaza, July 2020. For more than five years the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has been warning the world that Gaza will become uninhabitable by 2020 if the blockade does not end. Some Palestinians, driven by poverty exacerbated by the Israeli blockade and lack of employment opportunities, have resorted to combing landfill sites for bits and pieces of … [v] Phone interviews with representatives of UN, INGOs, and Palestinian NGOs in Gaza, June-July 2020. The pandemic only heightens concerns about mental health. In early 2020, the fishing zone was re-restricted back to 10 NM. Even before the COVID-19 outbreak, several organizations and UN agencies had warned that Gaza’s healthcare system was “on the brink of collapse.” The recent Israeli ban on fuel and resulting closure of Gaza’s only power plant could cause power cuts in hospitals with “dangerous repercussions” on patients’ lives, warned officials in Gaza. Ali HamadAPA images. Even before COVID-19, 30 percent of the first diagnoses in UNRWA’s health centers were related to mental health, explained UNRWA’s Gaza Director. For several months, these efforts have spared Gaza the worst of the coronavirus. UN agency: Israel’s Gaza blockade has devastated economy. However, the detection of 12 COVID-19 cases in late August among members of the community could represent the beginning of more hardship for a population that has already suffered tremendously. Related Topics Gaza It is important to remember that more than 80 percent of Gaza’s residents rely on humanitarian aid. However, this process, which regulates the entry of building materials, remains very burdensome, requiring multiple approvals from various Israeli governmental bodies and the frequent submission of numerous documents. Paradoxically, the blockade of Gaza may have helped delay the virus from spreading in the Strip. It is 2021 now and Gaza is one of the territories with the highest population density. Gaza has been facing a blockade of Israel and Egypt since 2007. [xiv] In the absence of reliable data, it is difficult to evaluate the extent of these behaviors. COVID-19 has exacerbated the sense of despair and heightened social problems in the Strip. Quarantine also included all medical and security staff who came in contact with returnees. ... (COVID-19), at a cemetery, east of Gaza City April 20, 2021. [xv] Phone Interviews with representatives of UNRWA and INGOs and NGOs in Gaza, June-July 2020. These Israeli restrictions, coupled with the PA’s decision and the crossing closure due to COVID-19, have hampered access to life-saving healthcare for hundreds of Gazans resulting in loss of lives among non-COVID-19 patients. However, students “were not required to wear masks or keep distancing, but teachers at [UNRWA] schools poured sanitizers on students’ hands.”, The fact that, for the first six months, the virus detection has been confined to quarantine centers may well have given many a false sense of security. Gulf countries should commit to at least $200 million yearly contribution to UNRWA’s core budget, as they did in 2018, in addition to emergency funding. Moreover, Israel has intermittently suspended the entry of cement, rubber tires, and other supplies. In 2018, the funding gaps and power blackouts forced a number of hospitals and clinics to close. [1] This year the illegal blockade of Gaza entered its 14 year and Israel continues to deny the people of Gaza their basic rights and life in dignity. Initially, poor conditions in quarantine areas were improved, thanks to the help of humanitarian organizations. The COVID-19 appeal remains relatively well funded compared to the core and emergency UNRWA budgets funding, raising concerns among the humanitarian workers and UNRWA officials that the pandemic response might crowd out other much needed-funding. If not, you just think it is someone else’s crisis.”, One potential catalyst for an COVID-19 outbreak in Gaza is a low rate of adherence to prevention protocol combined with highly social community life. Now fears are greater than ever as the first cases of COVID-19 were detected among members of the community in late August, triggering local authorities to impose a new lockdown. The first is due to COVID-19. The report stated that in 2020 the monthly rate of goods trucks entering the Gaza was about 7,000. When the COVID-19 pandemic struck worldwide, humanitarian organizations in the Gaza Strip sounded the alarm, warning against a health catastrophe that could hit tens of thousands of people. The latter largely relies on these funds to pay government employees and provide some services to Gaza including electricity, pharmaceutical supplies, and medical equipment. In late June 2020, donor countries held an Extraordinary Virtual Ministerial Pledging Conference to bridge UNRWA’s $400 million funding gap. (AP) The blockade It became a center of tension in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict when Hamas seized control of the area in 2007. Israel’s attacks on the Strip’s infrastructure and repeated bombing of facilities in the agriculture, water, energy, and health sectors have contributed to the deterioration of the humanitarian situation. [xi] Phone interview with a representative of a Palestinian NGO in Gaza, June 20, 2020. ... Gaza gravediggers and medics stretched as infections rise during Ramadan ... Palestinians say the blockade … Schools and universities remained closed for several months due to COVID-19. Changes in the fishing limits for the Palestinians in Gaza, 2020, Source: Al-Mezan . The Trump administration should reverse its 2018 decision to stop UNRWA funding as well as other forms of funding to the occupied Palestinian territories. The tightly controlled movement in and out of Gaza allowed for early detection of COVID-19 cases and a mandatory quarantine. Together, they provide food aid, essential medicines, a wide network of schools, water, and sanitation operations. A Palestinian boy sells bananas on a donkey carte in an alley in the Shati refugee camp, in Gaza City, Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2020. Two million Palestinians live within 365 square kilometres in Gaza, making it one of the most densely populated places in the world. The Palestinian Authority should resume coordinating the exit of permit holders from Gaza through Erez crossing and receiving new applications for medical permits. Dead Zone: Euro-Med Monitor report documents breakdown of life in Gaza during 14 years of blockade - January 2020. [xv] As of September 2, 90 percent out of the $5.94 million to respond to MHPSS in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) remained unfunded.[xvi]. All products. [iii] Phone interviews with UNRWA officials in Gaza and Washington DC, June 2020. Hamas rule The permit system for medical patients has been tightly controlled by Israel in recent years and relatively few permits are issued. [vii] Phone interviews with a humanitarian worker and a health professional in Gaza, August 25, 2020. • Israel's blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza … During the initial phase of the global pandemic, the UN and humanitarian organizations launched a $41.9 million appeal for a joint West Bank and Gaza COVID-19 Response Plan, of which nearly $12.5 million was designated for Gaza; the appeal was subsequently increased to $49.6 million. The PA also stopped paying the salaries of an estimated 16,000 civil servants in Gaza. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. The pandemic has also pushed a greater number of households into poverty and food insecurity, with an increase of at least 10 percent in the poverty rate according to the World Bank. Between 2007 and 2014, Israel imposed a broad blockade on Gaza, making the entry of dual-use materials, including some construction supplies, extremely challenging, which significantly impeded the Strip’s infrastructure development and the provision of humanitarian assistance. This is largely due to the fact that travel in and out of the Gaza Strip remains highly restricted and daunting, leaving a deeply weakened and overstretched medical personnel. It created a mechanism coordinating the entry of building materials and goods, agreed upon by its government and the (West Bank-based) Palestinian Authority (PA) and monitored by the United Nations. Subscribe to get our publications. UNRWA and its partners play an essential role in providing lifesaving assistance to the Strip’s largely destitute population. Passengers sit next to their luggage as they wait to cross the border to the Egyptian side of Rafah crossing, in Rafah, Gaza Strip, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2020. Yet, most Refugees International interlocutors referred to a noticeable increase in suicide, although suicide is a taboo in the largely religious Gazan society. In particular, Gaza is suffering from repercussions of the United States’ 2018 politically motivated decision to stop all Palestinian funding. In August, following a deal with the United Arab Emirates to normalize relations, Israel announced its suspension of the annexation plan. Some NGOs stepped in to secure medical exit permits for patients in Gaza. Gaza’s inadequate living conditions, dilapidated infrastructure, and weak healthcare system made it ill-prepared to face a COVID-19 epidemic. For more than five years the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has been warning the world that Gaza will become uninhabitable by 2020 if the blockade does not end. [2] [vii] Following this detection, the Hamas authorities imposed a new lockdown. Nearly 2 million people live in the Strip’s 139 square miles, many in crowded refugee camps. In light of concerns that best practices have not always been observed within institutions of authority over health-related issues, UNRWA, international, and Palestinian organizations should lead by example through wearing facemasks and maintaining physical distancing. By 2020, the UN said Gaza would be unliveable. [xviii] Still, given the emerging cases inside the Strip, COVID-19 funding needs in Gaza will almost certainly rise, which in turn will require the support of donors. [xviii] Phone interviews with representatives of UNRWA and Palestinian and international NGOs, July-August 2020. Gaza Quarantine and Isolation Centers Interactive Map. March 9, 2021. Since then, three wars and repeated outbreaks of violence have worsened conditions for civilians. Moreover, the blockade and recurrent violence have led to a significant exodus of doctors. The Gaza Strip , or simply Gaza, is a self-governing Palestinian territory on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, that borders Egypt on the southwest for 11 kilometers (6.8 mi) and Israel on the east and north along a 51 km (32 mi) border. [i], Furthermore, Gaza’s Ministry of Health enforced a two-week quarantine on all travelers entering from Rafah in Egypt or the Beit Hanoun (Erez) crossing in Israel, which was subsequently extended to three weeks. Eight years of economic blockade and three wars with Israel in six years accelerated de-development of Gaza Strip, UN Conference on Trade and Development report says. In 2019, unemployment was estimated at more than 50 percent in general and 70 percent among youths. Israel should ease restrictions on the medical permits system, to provide Gazans with access to life-sustaining and life-saving treatment in the West Bank or Israel that is unavailable in Gaza. [vi] COVID-19 Updates in the Gaza Strip, Ministry of Health, September 3, 2020. The United Nations (UN) in 2012 released a report saying “Gaza will not be liveable until 2020”. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Israel also banned the entry of construction materials and fuel in Gaza. A university’s vice-president in Gaza explained, “Thirty percent of students dropped out this semester, and only 10 percent paid the full tuition fees. They should provide guidance to citizens, businesses, and institutions on preventive measures against the spread of COVID-19, including limiting the number of people in closed areas, maintaining physical distancing, and wearing masks. According to UNRWA’s director in Gaza, “a combination of good luck and good measures,” has resulted in what seems to be a relatively small number of COVID-19 infections. [xvii] Phone interviews with representatives of Palestinian and international NGOs, journalists, and activists, June-July 2020. This often causes significant delays to repair, rehabilitation, or reconstruction projects.[xvii]. However, Israel has continued to expand Israeli settlements in this area. Over the years, the blockade has deepened poverty in Gaza. [viii] Email correspondence with UNRWA’s officials in Gaza, September 3, 2020. The closure has also limited the entry of goods to medicine and food. The Strip’s high population density, weak healthcare system, and lingering crises did not bode well for efforts to mitigate the health impacts of a possible virus outbreak. The U.S. decision has left a massive funding gap and has had a corrosive effect on the Agency’s provision of essential services to Gaza. Aware of these feeble capacities, authorities, health professionals, and humanitarian workers in Gaza have made prevention a priority. The Impact on the Economy and the Health System. Having refused the transfer of tax revenue, the PA stopped paying for Gaza’s electricity, thereby exacerbating the already acute power shortage in the Strip. For instance, Israel could designate a single governmental agency to grant a one-time up-front approval for construction projects. We do not accept any government or UN funding, ensuring the independence and credibility of our work. Donors should fill the $5.3 million gap required to respond to mental health and psycho-social support needs in the occupied Palestinian territories. They should also continue to conduct awareness campaigns about the prevention of COVID-19 and warn local communities about the risks of a premature total relaxation of preventive measures. In light of Gaza’s vulnerability, authorities and healthcare and humanitarian workers have focused their efforts on prevention. “The reality is that there is not a replacement for the funding from the U.S. UNRWA will now never reach a level of financial stability,” explained the director of UNRWA in Washington DC. In light of existing and likely future shortfalls, donor governments and the WHO should provide additional ventilators, PPE, and testing kits to help Gaza cope with a potential coronavirus outbreak. Humanitarian Impact of Settlements. International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and Palestinian NGOs followed the Agency’s lead, supporting efforts to raise awareness among the local community.[iii]. In early August, more than 500,000 students went back to schools, including nearly 300,000 to UNRWA-run schools. [x] Most people did not wear face masks, maintain physical distancing, or comply with sanitary requirements, residents in Gaza told Refugees International. The group is committed to confronting Israel, which has imposed a land, sea and air blockade. To make matters worse, August saw an escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas, with Israel tightening the blockade it imposed on Gaza following the rise to power of Hamas in 2007. [ii], For its part, UNRWA closed all its schools in Gaza and implemented measures for social distancing and better hygiene. Two years later, Hamas took over Gaza, and conditions went from bad to worse. The university was unable to pay staff salaries.” Already, educational staff are poorly paid, and some teachers have not been paid for the past six months due to lack of funding.[xiii]. April 3, 2020 7:52 AM EDT. A Palestinian boy sells bananas on a donkey carte in an alley in the Shati refugee camp, in Gaza City, Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2020. Your IP: To be sure, mental health remains a great concern. In recent weeks, Israel has once again tightened the blockade. © 2021 Refugees InternationalAll rights reserved. In 2018, Refugees International and other NGOs publicly opposed the Trump administration’s curbing of aid to the Palestinians. [xiii] Phone Interviews with journalists, activists, INGOs and NGOs representatives in Gaza, June-July 2020. Movement restrictions imposed by Israel since the early 1990’s and intensified in June 2007, following the takeover of Gaza by Hamas, have severely undermined the living conditions. As of September 3, the number of local cases had risen to 463. In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international and regional partners delivered 20,000 items of personal protective equipment (PPE) in the Gaza Strip, 140 test kits with the capacity to perform 14,000 tests, and 3 PCR machines. As an aid worker in Gaza warned, “Our social and cultural practice – with a lot of mingling involved – as well as overcrowding in public places due to the population density, makes it that if one person within the community contracts the virus, they risk passing it to tens of others.”[xi] “Even if as low as 1,500 people contracted the virus,” added a head of a humanitarian organization, “Gaza would not be able to cope.”[xii], The Economic and Social Impact of COVID-19. Correction 28 July 2020: A previous version of this story has been amended to make clear that the Gaza Strip is still controlled by Hamas, and not the Palestinian Authority. In a subsequent public letter, they warned that “[h]umanitarian aid should never be used as a political bargaining chip.”[xx] UNRWA is currently facing its third year without U.S. financial support. Those who stayed often lacked opportunities for specialization, training, or exposure to the latest inventions and developments in the medical field. To challenge and end the illegal and inhuman Israeli blockade of Gaza To restore the rights of children and youth in Gaza, for life, security and freedom of movement. Although the Gaza Strip has never figured seriously in any recent debate on de jure annexation of parts of the West Bank, the annexation debate has had serious humanitarian implications in the Strip.

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